adyar ananda bhavan coimbatore Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of adyar ananda bhavan coimbatore is 044 - 42333333 .
Three Decades ago a small sweet shop started by Late K.S.Thirupathi Raja in the then Metropolis of Chennai, India, has now flowered into nearly ninety branches covering the length and breadth of Chennai city, its neighbouring places such as Kanchipuram, Erode, Madurai, Trichy, Coimbatore ,Tripur and the states of Karnataka, Pondicherry and Delhi. M/s. Adyar Ananda Bhavan Sweets & Snacks is now well established and firmly in saddle as one of the leading and exclusive sweets and savouries manufacturer in South India . What started as a humble beginning it has now grown into a 12 million US $ turnover concern. The driving force behind the concern now is the two brothers Mr. K.T. Venkatesan and Mr. K.T. Srinivasa Raja to whom the baton of rich sweet tradition has been passed on by their late father K.S.Thirupathi Raja

adyar ananda bhavan coimbatore Address

The address of adyar ananda bhavan coimbatore is NO.3/2 NH47 COIMBATORE ROAD, Main Block, Avinashi Rd, Civil Aerodrome Post, Peelamedu, NAMAKAL, Tamil Nadu 636010.

adyar ananda bhavan coimbatore Email Address

The email address of adyar ananda bhavan coimbatore is

adyar ananda bhavan coimbatore Website

The Website of adyar ananda bhavan coimbatore is

adyar ananda bhavan coimbatore Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of adyar ananda bhavan coimbatore is 044 - 42333333 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of adyar ananda bhavan coimbatore Service Center and adyar ananda bhavan coimbatore customer phone number is given below. The helpline of adyar ananda bhavan coimbatore customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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