al tijari bank Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of al tijari bank is 965 22902900, +9651805252 .
Al Tijari Bank is a Commercial Bank of Kuwait and is one of the largest financial institutions in Kuwait providing innovative financial and investment solutions. The bank was established on February 4th, 1968. Al Tijari Bank offers various Retail Banking and Corporate Banking facilities. Some of the services offered by Al Tijari Bank include Checking Accounts, Premier Banking, On Demand Accounts, Saving Accounts, Term Deposits, Loans, CBK Cards, Remittances, E-statement, ATM Network, Payment Gateway, Corporate Online Banking, Corporate Credit, Treasury Services, International Credit, Trade Finance and online banking facility. Al Tijari Bank is an ISO 9001:2008 Certified bank of Kuwait and the bank was listed in the Kuwait Stock Exchange (KSE) towards the end of the year 2004. Al Tijari Bank also has a personal twitter account and can be followed at @ALTijariCBK

al tijari bank Address

The address of al tijari bank is Al-Sharq Jaber Al Mubarak St. CRC Building, Kuwait.

al tijari bank Email Address

The email address of al tijari bank is

al tijari bank Website

The Website of al tijari bank is

al tijari bank Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of al tijari bank is 965 22902900, +9651805252 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of al tijari bank Service Center and al tijari bank customer phone number is given below. The helpline of al tijari bank customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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