alokananda roy Phone Number Customer Service

Alokananda Roy is an Indian classical dancer, dance educationist, choreographer and social worker. Her professional career spans more than 4 decades and she has performed all over the country and the world. Alokananda Roy also has a dance school of her own named 'Chandanaloke'. Among her performance acts are included Tagore dance drama such as 'Shyama', 'Chitrangada' and 'Chandilika' along with classical style such as 'Vande Mataram', 'Meghdoot', 'Supernatural', 'Shringar', and 'Amrapali'. Alokananda Roy holds several diploma and degrees such as diploma in Rabindra Sangeet from Dakshinee, political science honours degree from Calcutta University, diploma in pianoforte from Trinity College London etc. She is also the recipient of The Sanskrit Parishad Award, The Gold Medal of Shri Shikshayatan College and an honorary citizenship of the city of Clarksville, USA. Alokananda Roy works with several NGO's and organizations like 'Touch World', 'Calcutta Social project' etc

alokananda roy Address

The address of alokananda roy is Bengal, India.

alokananda roy Email Address

The email address of alokananda roy is

alokananda roy Website

The Website of alokananda roy is,

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of alokananda roy Service Center and alokananda roy customer phone number is given below. The helpline of alokananda roy customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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