altheas place palawan Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of altheas place palawan is +63 48 4341450 .
ALTHEA’S PLACE is a hotel located in the city of Puerto Princesa in the western provincial island of Palawan, Philippines. The accommodation at the hotel includes Twin Sharing, Triple Sharing, Quad Sharing, Family Room and Barkadahan. The room amenities at ALTHEA’S PLACE feature internet access, Marble bath, Remote-control LCD TV with cable channels, Individually controlled air-conditioning system, Closet and cabinet for clothes and personal belongings etc. The various other amenities and services offered by ALTHEA’S PLACE include Wi-Fi access, Video Karaoke, Swimming pool (adult), Kiddie pool, Airport Transfer, Laundry Services, Massage, Chef Cooking Services, Travel and Tour Arrangement etc. ALTHEA’S PLACE restaurant offers special Filipino cuisine with an extensive array of fresh seafood dish and delectable desserts. The destinations/ activities that guests can enjoy at ALTHEA’S PLACE include Honda Bay Island Hopping, Estrella Waterfalls, Dolphin Watching, Batak Tribes Trekking etc.

altheas place palawan Address

The address of altheas place palawan is Abueg Road Ext., Puerto Princesa City, Puerto Princesa 5300, Philippines.

altheas place palawan Email Address

The email address of altheas place palawan is

altheas place palawan Website

The Website of altheas place palawan is

altheas place palawan Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of altheas place palawan is +63 48 4341450 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of altheas place palawan Service Center and altheas place palawan customer phone number is given below. The helpline of altheas place palawan customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against altheas place palawan. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that altheas place palawan will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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