amatikulu nature reserve Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of amatikulu nature reserve is +27 32 453 0155 .
Amatikulu Nature Reserve in South Africa is located along the picturesque KwaZulu-Natal North Coast, approximately 100 km from Durban. It boasts both the Amatikulu and Nyoni River estuaries along the Indian Ocean. Amatikulu Nature Reserve is home to animals like giraffe, zebra, waterbuck and small antelope. The main attraction at Amatikulu Reserve is the 4x4 trail, a stretch on which to spot grassland birds like the croaking cisticola, rufous naped lark and plainback pipits. Visitors at the Amatikulu Nature Reserve can also enjoy canoeing, fishing, whale-watching etc.

amatikulu nature reserve Address

The address of amatikulu nature reserve is Amatikulu, 4493, South Africa.

amatikulu nature reserve Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of amatikulu nature reserve is +27 32 453 0155 (Click phone number to call).

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