st aloysius college mangalore Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of st aloysius college mangalore is 0824 242 3217 .
St aloysius college Mangalore operates as a Jesuit college in Karnataka state, having an autonomous status since 2007. The college offers various degree and diploma programs at graduate, post graduate and Ph D levels. St aloysius college Mangalore is one of the oldest colleges in India having been established in 1880. The college functions as a Christian Minority Institution and is run by Mangalore Jesuits Educational Society (MJES). St aloysius college Mangalore offers courses in various departments and disciplines viz Computer Animnation, Political Science, History, Economics, Biochemistry, Computer Science, Microbiology, Chemistry, Zoology, Botany, Mathematics and Electronics. Some of the facilities offered by the college include library, laboratory, placement cell, hostels, community radio and bio diversity park. They may also be reached at

st aloysius college mangalore Address

The address of st aloysius college mangalore is Light House Hill Road Kodialbail, P B 720 Mangalore 575 003 Karnataka.

st aloysius college mangalore Email Address

The email address of st aloysius college mangalore is

st aloysius college mangalore Website

The Website of st aloysius college mangalore is

st aloysius college mangalore Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of st aloysius college mangalore is 0824 242 3217 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of st aloysius college mangalore Service Center and st aloysius college mangalore customer phone number is given below. The helpline of st aloysius college mangalore customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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