Ignou Bangalore Customer Care Phone Number

Phone Number of Ignou Bangalore is 08026654747 / 2665 7376 .
IGNOU is officially known as Indira Gandhi National Open University. Indira Gandhi National Open University is a distance learning national university located in Ignou road, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi, India. It was established in 1985. Pranab Mukherjee is the Chancellor and Muhammad Aslam is the vice chancellor of the IGNOU. Indira Gandhi National Open University has 1,462 Admin. staff. It has 3.5 million students. IGNOU is run by the central government of India. Indira Gandhi National Open University the largest university in the world with 3,500,000 students. Indira Gandhi National Open University provides a higher qualification and distance education. IGNOU is also serves our offices in abroad like UAE, UK, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Mauritius, Maldives, Ethiopia, Namibia, Kenya, Myanmar, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Kyrgyzstan and other country.

Visiting Address Of Ignou Bangalore

For information regarding the admission process or other queries, applicants can direct come to Ignou Bangalore office by following the given address:
IGNOU Regional Centre
No.293, 39th Cross,
8th Block, Jayanagar

Contact Details Of Ignou Bangalore

Customers who want to contact with the officials in order to know regarding the various programs issued by Ignou Bangalore, can get the details by different mediums like phone, mail or fax. We are given the contact details of the officials which are listed below:
Telephone: 080 2665 4747
Telephone: 2665 7376
Fax : 080 2664 4848
Email : ignourcblr@gmail.com

Visiting Hours At Ignou Bangalore

Consumers who want to come Ignou Bangalore's office for information, can visit during the below hours:
Monday to Friday: 10:30AM to 12:30PM and 2:30PM to 04:30PM
Saturday and Sunday: Closed

Study Center Visiting Hours Of Ignou Bangalore

All first time visitors to visit Ignou Bangalore's study center during the below hours:
Any Sunday: 10:00AM TO 12:00PM

Ignou Bangalore Address

The address of Ignou Bangalore is Bangalore, India.

Ignou Bangalore Website

The Website of Ignou Bangalore is www.ignou.ac.in.

Ignou Bangalore Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Ignou Bangalore is 08026654747 / 2665 7376 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Ignou Bangalore Service Center and Ignou Bangalore customer care number is given below. The helpline of Ignou Bangalore customer care number may or may not be toll free.

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Ignou Bangalore Customer Care Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care male
Mr. Suvetha CallsJan 02, 2016

Mr. Suvetha On Phone To Ignou Bangalore Service
I wanted to know updates of ignou distance education mba.

Customer care female
Ms. Sonam CallsSep 03, 2015

Ms. Sonam On Phone To Ignou Bangalore Service
I have not received any information regarding the ignou B.com classes which are held at Alameen college. I have not received any fixed date regarding the counseling classes.

Customer care female
Ms. Bhavana Saxena CallsAug 12, 2015

Ms. Bhavana Saxena On Phone To Ignou Bangalore Service
I submitted Assignment of ms-04 on March, 2015. Still waiting for grade updation. While the TEE June result has been published. But the grade of ms 04 is not there. It is showing only the previous grad C in assignment. As I was fail, I submitted assingnment to complete the subject. I request you to do the needful. This is my last year of enrollment. HelpWaiting for your responseRegardsBhavana Saxena En. 083276119M. B. A. Bangalore.

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