Mr. Dr. Rajaram Agarwal On Phone To MTS Jodhpur Service
this is my data card number I using last 12 months
this time this number Have no connectivity. Please check and resolve my problem. When i plug thisin system then many number Tab. Open, but no internet open. This problem last 3-4 days.
Mr. Sharwan Kumar On Phone To MTS Jodhpur Service
I change my SIM card yesterday cause of SIM fault, but still my number not activate
Mobile number 9667634151.
Mr. Deva Ram On Phone To MTS Jodhpur Service
Osian mts sarvice off last six days all custamers confuse network start karo sa.
Mr. Himanshu Bhambhani On Phone To MTS Jodhpur Service
Service of remaining balance and recharge information is not active to my registered mobile No.
Ms. Parul Kaswa On Phone To MTS Jodhpur Service
My mts doongle isnt working at good speed. earlier it was better today itself i have recharged, but its surfing to slow. Please kindly look into the concern any do something with this problem my mts doongle number is 8104972335.
Mr. Mahesh Solanki On Phone To MTS Jodhpur Service
Dear concern, i have purchased a MTS prepaid data card e. I. 8432835075. Which i could not recharge more than than 90 days. For this regards i received some messages form MTS that my data card will be suspended temporary due to not recharge more than 90 days. But when i check my number To recharge my data card 8432835075 found not veiled. I went to your office in jodhpurs, there i came to know that my data card is permanent block which can not be use at alli just want to know how it can be done. Even i do not inform to block my data card by permanent blocking. You are requested to resume my data card service if any formality require. MY MOBILE NO. 91 9529077557 jodhpur Rajasthan.
Mr. Mahesh Solanki On Phone To MTS Jodhpur Service
Dear concern, i have purchased a MTS prepaid data card e. I. 8432835075. Which i could not recharge more than than 90 days. For this regards i received some messages form MTS that my data card will be suspended temporary due to not recharge more than 90 days. But when i check my number To recharge my data card 8432835075 found not veiled. I went to your office in jodhpurs, there i came to know that my data card is permanent block which can not be use at alli just want to know how it can be done. Even i do not inform to block my data card by permanent blocking. You are requested to resume my data card service if any formality require. MY MOBILE NO. 91 9529077557.
Mr. Suresh Mohan Sharma On Phone To MTS Jodhpur Service
Reg. Recharge of rs. 195 towards MTS number 9414120554 transaction id 732189502 date 30. 01. 2015Dear sir,I have recharged for Rs 195 towards MTS number 9414120554 date 30. 01. 2015 as per your scheme. Also i have got confirmation about recharge and its transaction id 732189502 by SMS from your company. I was shocked when i intends to use internet and found that no connectivity. Then i had contact with sh. Madhu Sudan about this problem. He told me that he will enquirer the matter on Monday. I have enquired on your 198 number and he told that zero data is in balance. On Monday i had been to your store situated at Pali. Mr Anshul told that he will enquirer the matter from upper office. I request you either to provide balance data or make refund of rs. 195/-with cost ant consequences. Thanking you in anticipation.
Mr. Ashish Solanki On Phone To MTS Jodhpur Service
My MTS data card 8104950323, is a useless card an is not working properly. I enquired from customer care today and was told that my due amount of rupees 709 has yet not been paid. I had paid rupees 2000 in cash to Umang associates on 31 Dec 2014 and have a receipt ( no 1147). I am surprised that why the system of customer care is not showing the record of my payment. I would like to return my card and get the dues back. The customer care expert said that his system is taking time to retrieve the data ( I guess all the systems of MTS are slow), and he sounded confused. I suggested him to call me back after getting all the necessary information.
Mr. Mahesh Motwani On Phone To MTS Jodhpur Service
My land line number not working. Our all business depends on my land line number so please solve my problem as soon as possibleit's very urgent.
Mr. Manoj Sharma On Phone To MTS Jodhpur Service
I have been receiving messages that your connection documents has not been found in order. I trying to contact your customer care also, but not getting proper reply from any where. The message also says that to enjoy uninterrupted services please send documents. Please let me know the documents required. The connection is in the name of Hotel Waves and estate Pvt. Ltd.
Manoj Sharma
Mobile number is 8696907890.
Mr. Hem Raj On Phone To MTS Jodhpur Service
I have already two time complain, but not response yet.complain number NOV/47182
complain number NOV/67274
MY MTS BLANZE speed currently 150-200 kb only. Pls take action as soon as possible
MOBILE NO. 9929049801
Mr. Ramesh Choudhary On Phone To MTS Jodhpur Service
My MTS land line connection is not working properly. So please help us. From last 15 to 20 days it has always been a problem and i am from Jodhpur and my number is 0291 5100259.
Mr. Deepak Chandra On Phone To MTS Jodhpur Service
I have rechargedd my mts internet no 8104023062 on 31 August 2014 with rupees 798. 00. Till date my account balance is showing nil. Kindly do the needful.
Mr. Ajay On Phone To MTS Jodhpur Service