Ms. Shweta Chandrakant Patil On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
For july 2020 light bill received 150 rupees. But by mistake or miscommunication we paid this light bill three time so please send our remaining rupess.
Ms. Vaishnavi On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
There is no electricity in Camp Area since four hours.
Mr. Patil K S On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
Can I take connection to transformer from H T line which is installed by other person one and half year ago.
Mr. Dilip Patel On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
Since morning we are experiencing power fluctuations. Please support. Consumer number 160221120652.
Mr. Imran Kazi On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
There is no electricity in Nana Nagar Kirkaatwadi for few houses since yesterday morning. We called MSEB number 7875767215 many times, but did not get any help. Please take necessary action and provide electricity. Phone- 9766557865.
Mr. Sunil Itwale On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
We are facing frequently/daily power cut down in maruti Nagar and galande Nagar, old mundwa road, vadgaonsheri, Pune -14. This is poor service. Request to look in to this area and resolve issue permanantly.
Mr. Rahul On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
There is no electricity in pisoli Pune from last two days. Why there is always power cut in this area? Almost 20 hours from 24 hours there is no electricity
When I called in customer care toll free number no one received it. But no response. No body received call in local office
Please let us know or else I will have to go through the RTI act to know what is happening.
Mr. Kirti On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
Need billing unit of hinjewadi area, Pune.
Mr. Shiv Kumar Iyer On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
Dear Sir/Mam
My consumer No. 170014030380
I am receiving bill from May 2016 double than what I had used. You can go through the bill paid from last one year. The extra paid amount should be refund to me. For more details:-
Bill of FEB 2016 :- UNIT USED 38, BILL PAID RS. 240
You can see that the meter is getting double in May2016, JUNE 2016,
Kindly arrange to check the Digital Meter and give me a solution. Take immediate action on this. I am not going to pay the next bill of july if it is solved.
Mr. Shankar On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
Since 11 July. Evening no electricity
Mr. Patange On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
No electricity supply in someshwar Park Sayali building. Address = someshwar Park Sayali someshwarwadi aundh Pune
Customer number 170016616756.
Mr. Jay On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
We are facing power cut issues in Kharadi since 2-3 days. Almost for 18 hours in a 24 hours there is no electricity. No one is responding even in Kharadi office.
Mr. Vijay On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
Additional number given was busy and the first toll free number could not be reached due to congestion in the network.
Mr. Ravinder On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
There is no electricity in sadashiv peth Pune for last two hours. I thought after new government has come to power, the electricity situation had improved, but since last two days it has again gone back to previous regime of NCP and congress rule when we used to have frequent power cuts. The new government had promised better electricity, roads and water to every house 24*7. I think that is a distant dream , yet to be realised. Ravinder
Mr. Vinod On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
My Consumer number is 171591370099
Regarding service issues from MSEB.
Mr. Dhananjay Chandurkar On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
Hi this is Dhananjay Chandurkar , I paid my bill amount for rupees 1720
But still it shows painding for same amt, I need some clarification from you, Please help.
Mr. Sagar Paradkar On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
Hi, My Consumer No. : 170017713062I received a SMS with the amount of bill, but no BU mentioned therein. I could not locate the BUI need to know the BU for paying the bill online.
Mr. Indian On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
Why the fuck Kharadi is having so much Power cuts during the day and night time? Do you want to kill people from sun strokes? I do not understand the reason behint cutting the power for hours? Please let us know or else I will have to go through the RIT act to know what is happening.
Mr. Atif On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
Hi my complain is for consumer number 170746965071 register in the name of Deepak R Kalb hot 4746/wadgaonsheri sd/Nagar road division, from last night there is very low half power even night bulb is fluctuating ND not getting power also Lodge a complaint with toll free number complaint number 3956841 please get it resolved.
Ms. Elzykutty Mathew On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
My Consumer Number is 1700144
02236. From few months i do not receive my original Bills. I am requesting for duplicate copies to make the payment. Original Bill is being given to some other person in some other location. Kindly look into this matter as this is an very important issue.
Mr. Chinmay On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
My customer care number 160265113467, Chinmay Gokhale, i made payment of Rs. 780/- on 29-03-16 online. A new bill amounting to Rs. 880/- was generated on next dated due on 12-04-16. Why has this happened? I have emailed same query on your website, but to no avail.
Ms. yallappa n gaikwad On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
my motor no 170145889491 pla give me miter bill
Mr. Shantaram Patil On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
Dear sir,
I have got electrical Bill amount Rs. 3150. 00 in Dec 15. After approval from MSDCL I paid 2900. 00
But now I got rupees 3480. 00 Bill in Jan 16. Dec. Unit 67 Bill amount 414. 89 so as me Bill should be 414. 89 or 3314. 89 please guide me.
Mr. Vishal Sancheti On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
My home light off from last night. i have done complaint on centralized toll free number. but still nothing to do it anything. still i m waiting for person. please send person urgently in vadgaon-sheri, Pune.
Mr. Nitin Kirnapure On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
Hi, I have been overcharged in my new bill of April 2015. As per the bill from MSEB i have consumed 180 units which is incorrect. As per my meter my current reading is 141 units. This is my new flat and 1st bill. Please investigate the reason of incorrect billing. Consumer number 170003193759RegardsNitin.
Mr. Chandrakant Arjun Dodmise On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
No electricity supply in home since mar/01 2130 hrs onwards. My residential address is servey no 36/10 colony no six krishana nagar kale borate nagar hadapsar pune 411 028. My consumber no is 170003149130 dtc no 4745954. Kindly do the need full please. Yours faithfully Chandrakant Arjun Dodmise.
Mr. Page Sanjay On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
Electricity from my Farm (Address--serial number 167 opposite Lonkar Mala Supe (Baramati) is cut off from dated 19-2-2015 to 23-2-2015 please take urgent action.
Mr. Alok On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
When i saw street light on at 1:00 PM in afternoon, called the helpline number to turn it off, but instead of listening they cut off the lines two times.
Ms. Komal On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
When I called in customer care toll free number no one received it I tried for one hour on both the numbers, but no response and also when i called warje malwadi sector complaint office no body received my call.
Mr. Mahesh On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
Mahesh Sopan Kharpude, 210/A, A/P are. Nagar, THIGALSTHAL, RAJGURUNagar, Pune -410505 Consumer number 176110166347 Phone number is 09920793152 Date: 26th October 2014 Dear Sir, I am quite shocked to receive the electricity bill amounting rupees 28,740.00, 19,270.00, 23,020.00, 20,010.00 consecutively against electricity consumption for the last four months (June to September 2014) at my residence. The bill appears to be inflated, as I know for certain that our consumption electricity is not so high as to warrant such a high bill. It is just not possible for me to have used so much of electricity in the last four months more so because I never consume such huge electricity in past two years. There seems a mistake in noting down the initial reading of the month May 2014. It is mentioned Meter number 01824332 instead of 01819878 which was in my last four months bill.
Ms. Kapadia Arun Kersi On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
Electricity from my flat is cut off without any information. I was available till 30-06-2014 evennin. And have come back to a black out home today evenning at ten pm.
Mr. Rk Singh On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
All poles carrying 11kv lines located at park road range-hills are rusted and may cause serious accidents. Since this road is being used by residences of defence area, students of Pune university and others, the same required to be attended urgently. As a alert citizen i have approached ee, sde and je of mseb since February 2014, but no action.
May i once again request the top officials of mseb to look into urgently.
Ms. Manisha Shivgunde On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
Please give me the calculations for the consumptions of energy you its of, , And. I cant calculate independently. Actually we have two separate meters and bill is mon. Please help me for calculating energy bill for above you you its. So as enable me to pay only for my consumption you its. Thanking you, Regards, Manisha shivgunde.
Ms. Prachi Bhole On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
There is no electricity in our Society in Fatima Nagar, Wanwadi. So send the electrician of this area. Whole Fatima Nagar has a electricity, but only our society had no electricity since last 12 hours. So Please do fast as early as possible.
Thanking you,
Society Name: Gulmohar Regal Homes,
Near Reliance Mart,
opposite Bank of Maharashtra,
Fatima Nagar,
Ms. Kavita Havaldar On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
Today the meter reading person was shouting at me that i should keep the doors open of my house everyday from 1pm to 5pm so that his time is not wasted. i asked him that he should ring the door bell, but still he was shouting that he doesn't have time. i asked what if thief comes inside the house, but still he was shouting that he doesn't have time and for him i should keep the door open everyday so he can come anytime during the month. Please ask this persons to behave themselves.
Mr. Amol Patil On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
I wanted to pay bill of amount 580, but when I was trying to pay, an error occured for my first two attempts and payment got successful in third payment.
But when I checked by bank account statement, I saw that money got debited three times 580,580 and 590 respectively.
My bill amount was 580 Rs.
Please let me know how and when that money will be refunded to me?
Cunsumer No.:160260353231
Billing Unit:4614
Bill Cycle:2
Ms. Hema Rana On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
There is no electricity on the roads in hinjewadi phase 3n near TCS and techmahindra. It is very dark in the evening after seven PM and unsafe for travellern children and ladies.
Request you to check and to keep the street lights ON during from 7M.
Mr. Atul Garudkar On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
Elecricity is down at my home since today afternoon two pm.
Shri, Sv No 149/3/4, GaneshNagar, Dhayari,
Pune 411041
Atul Garudkar
Mob - 9822100910
Mr. Sumedh Ambapkar On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
I have purchased new flat at Aurum elimento sector 281 at dhanori(Pune) and building had not got electricity connection may I know what is issue or whom should I contac.
Mr. Gajanan On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
We paid high bill due to Grade/Tariff registered on my bill is wrong, We already get complaint with verification of Kharalwadi office filled at Pimpri before one month back, but not any response yet.
Consumer No:170140076492
Mr. Grewal On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
Consumer number 160230130024, Billing Unit: 4746:WADGAON SHERI SUB-DN. I would like to draw your kind attention that I owned a Shop at Wadgaon Sheri, which is closed for the last more than four years, all the months I used to get the minimum charges that was previously rupees 150/- per month and thereafter rupees 190/- per month, unfortunately from June 2013 I am get my bill as rupees 280/- and the usage as eight unit per month, I do not understand as to without the use why am I getting the wrong bills, so I would like to request you to kindly rectify my bill.
Mr. Vaijanath Huddar On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
Electric Power supply to our house is disconnected.
From last week, we are facing the issue.
Our address is:
House No.3, Sadafulee park, Survey No.247/3,
4th lane from DAV School to Medipoint Hosp,
behind Omkar Complex, DP Road,
Aundh, Pune -411007
Mr. atul bora On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
Respected sir,
A Pvt Ltd company based in Kurulli Pune Nasik road,.We find very difficult to perform our work because of power failures frequently.This month we have recorded around 60 hours of power break down causing business loss also.We are also having a biotech unit where in plants are to be maintained at regulated temperature by air conditioner.due to which plants die and hence it creates national reply.
Mr. Ganesh Ingulkar On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
Hi, my name is Ganesh Ingulkar, please log a complaint for Pune Nagar road Somnath Nagar near inorbit Mseb centre because no one given me proper response because our building power cut problem last two day and when we have visit your Mseb inorbit centre office they are simply says that your three phase are damge without any checking. Request you please resolve my problem and please call my mobile number 8007422999
Mr. Ramesh Tiwari On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
Respected Sir,
I m a citizen your city Pune,Kharadi,Tulja Bhawani Nagar.In the front of my house one transformer is situated and from yesterday there has been about 3-4 times the burst had taken place.This is very dangerous and serious plroblem for us and main thing it is on road hence people are always there and after this every one is afriad for it so, I request you to do something about it or you can remove it and situate it anywhere else so that the common people be relif from it.
Thank you
Mr. Farman Ali On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
One phase is down of A-building of Isha Height, Sr No 46, Kondhwa Khurd, Behind sheetal petrol Pump, Pune 411048.
Thanks and Regards
Farman ALi( Chairman)
Mr. Viswanathan On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
My Customer 170146257294--my bill for the month of June 2013 has almost become three times the bill for May 2013.
Kindly check up and rectify
Mr. Pradeep N Deshpande On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
customer ID no.-170017645369
meter no.-9000028909
For above reference electricity bill is amounting zero since last 6-7 months.kindly rectify the problem will be a big problem for us to pay the heavy accumulated bill.
address-H/12 State Bank of India housing society,shivtirth Nagar ,Pune
Mr. anil malani On Phone To MSEB Pune Service
One phase not working since yesterday and complaint not getting registered on customer care number. Given complaint personally at 11 30 am at fire brigade office -mseb, bhawani peth.