Mr. Raj Chopra On Phone To Reliance Chandigarh Service
I receive every month SMS from Reliance that my Missed call Alert has been Successfully activated in my account. Why? You have no right to do so and I do not need to Alert the same now and in future also, so do not charge any Money for the same please and every time I have to esnd the SMS to de activate the same. So just stop this.
Mr. Ashutosh Gautam On Phone To Reliance Chandigarh Service
MY Mobile Samsung J2 4G Handset. My Relianace SIM 3G call dropping And internet not proper working. My number is 7814051952. Please issued the new SIM 4G. MY address is Hotel continental inn 42 Sector 42 b Attawa Chandigarh 160036.
Mr. Vinod On Phone To Reliance Chandigarh Service
My mobile number 9023483802 hai 11/08/16 ko mere main balance 160. 00 tha or har din mere account me se pise cut rhe hai aaj 75. 00 hai me call krta hu par kabi call lgta nhi LG be jaye to 2hor teg de dete hai mere 11/08/16 se leker aaj tak ke piese bapis nhi hue to FIR kra duga, last time hai six manth me 500rs se jyda paise kat lye hai.
Mr. Anurodh Kumar On Phone To Reliance Chandigarh Service
My mo no-9023754031 is not working out going and incoming is close and call to Customer care please solve the pro.
Mr. Karan Bhardwaj On Phone To Reliance Chandigarh Service
How can I contact you I live in sydney can you give me your mobile number plzz.
Mr. Vinod Kumar On Phone To Reliance Chandigarh Service
Dear Sir/Madam,
I used a postpaid mobile number 9023075063 for last one and half year. Due to some reason(plan upgraded without information from your side and then barred outgoing service)I cannot continue with you. So you are requested please disconnect/close the above said number with effect today dated 23. 07. 2016. I will deposit this month's bill(26. 06. 2016 to 23. 07. 216)when I receive the bill. Thanks
Vinod Kumar rana
Mr. Yashpal Kapoor On Phone To Reliance Chandigarh Service
I have reliance CDMA no 9316324565 and I stopped using this connection about three years ago. Can I get it recharged againt.
Mr. Subhash Choudhary On Phone To Reliance Chandigarh Service
My cell no 9354017922 i am submitte the docoment in reliance store for porting the cdm to gsm, but last one month my cell swith off due to not porting and i am daily went to reliance store, but they are not help me
Mr. M.l.sharma On Phone To Reliance Chandigarh Service
My cell number 9316653088is post paid, but 13. 06. 2016 to till date not working i know what is the regain ?.
Not working to day. You call on 9041092910.
Mr. Jaideep Ghai On Phone To Reliance Chandigarh Service
Mr. Ajakson Leather On Phone To Reliance Chandigarh Service
Our phone No. 0160 3200297 )Kurali Distt-Mohali Punjab) have no signal from yesterday. Kinldy solve the problem immediately.
Mr. Narender Kumar On Phone To Reliance Chandigarh Service
We all want to stop the tower. Even in a case is already in court. Despite this, the work continues.
Mr. vijay kumar On Phone To Reliance Chandigarh Service
Dear sir/ma, am it is to inform you that I'm very disappointed with your 3g internet service its very slow even then 2g speed of other telecom company's. So that feels me allot while paying the bills for such a bad service provided by you. So resolve my issue as soon as possible. My Address :- 4/1108 Street No. two Judge Nagar Amritsarcontact 7696232532.
Mr. Villayat Ali Khan On Phone To Reliance Chandigarh Service
Hello Sir/Madam, I am very disappointed at your service. My phone balance has been deducting since a week ago. I have filled the balance thrice and every time you keep deducting. My cordial request is to check and probe where the problem is on. Please fix my problem as soon as possible. Thank you.
Mr. Sukhpreet On Phone To Reliance Chandigarh Service
My call is not connecting with customer care helpline i tried many times. They cut the call when i press the option of talking to customer care executive.
Mr. Devender Singh On Phone To Reliance Chandigarh Service
Dear Sir/MamMyself Devender Singh , using your mobile service from Reliance Communication, having my ported number 9216451110 from Tata Docomo. My SIM has blocked due to PUK code password. You are requested to unblock my SIM and service, because I am suffering a lot for my communication. Thanks and RegardsDevender Singh H. No. 812/1, Milk Colony Dhanas, U. T.) Chandigarh-160014Mobile: 9216451110.
Mr. Dr. T. S.bajwa On Phone To Reliance Chandigarh Service
getting no Sms of balance after dialing *225 and *226 and why my out going calls stopped without informing and even in coming calls when there is sufficient balance in my account tel. no. 9317546475 of reliance.
Mr. Ajay Aggarwal On Phone To Reliance Chandigarh Service
I am the user of broadband connection as well as fixed telephone line my telephone number is 3308509. My landline is not working for the past eight days. I have already lodged complaint number 0001502513901 dated 23/2/2015 and 230498331 dated 25/2/2015. The problem is not yet resolved. It is submitted that frequently the problem of broadband and land line connectivity persists. I am paying the charges for the facility not for dummy connections. Your online helpline number never gives the number of the superior bosses to brought the complaint to their notice. Please respond immediately. RegardsAjay Aggarwal.
Ms. Rani Bhogal On Phone To Reliance Chandigarh Service
Dear Sir/ MadamMy Landline number 0160-3296571. My Landline Not working last two day's. Please solve problem. I am thankful to you for your immediate action.
Mr. Sumit Kumar On Phone To Reliance Chandigarh Service
My name is Sumit Kumar my mobile number is 8591565838 has been lost yesterday 2pm so i want to be closed this number Kindly closed the as soon as possible.
Mr. Rajesh Kumar On Phone To Reliance Chandigarh Service
Sir, I am rajesh Kumar holding no 7307237731since two years in last one more than 40 times three rupees balance has been deducted for used services. Some time af complaint i get back the amount. I am using this no in nokia 1661it so old, simple and without camera. In this week two times balance has cut. So it is requested kindly refund the amount. I have complained to customers care, but there is no positive response. Now i have planned about portability after your consideration. Thanks.
Mr. RAJINDER SINGH On Phone To Reliance Chandigarh Service
I am holder of SIM 9357399366 (prepaid) I got it recharged on 26.9.2013 with Rs.160/-. I hardly used it till today the 27th September , but it is surprising that the it shows balance of Rs.23/- only. Why ? Explain the reasons thereof and get me back the lost amount immediately. FROM RAJINDER SINGH PS/HON'BLE DEPUTY SPEAKER, HARYANA VIDHAN SABHA CHANDIGARH
Ms. ritu On Phone To Reliance Chandigarh Service
your co. is charging repeatedly vas charges from my account fromlast five month. i had never subscribed any services in this account . and i confirm from your co. that their is no services of vas is subscribed on this number and your custmare number is not working properly as it ends call in few seconds. please add back the ammout charged in last five months on name of vas services as these services were never subscribed and never used by me stop charging my accont for vas services immedi
my number is 8591409015
Mr. Rajesh kumar khajuria On Phone To Reliance Chandigarh Service
i took new reliance connection 15 dy ago .but it was not activate from your side.pls tell the resion why your holding ?
mobile nmbr 07307128321
Name Rajesh Kumar khajuria