Ms. Lorna On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
Why am I paying an amount each month to Luxembourg for Skype. What would happen if I cancel this charge each month. My phone number is +64 274999800
Lorna Elliston.
Mr. Lucia Anato On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
Mr. Lucia Anato On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
Mr. Lucia Anato On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
Why do I receive a bill for calls that I did not made
It is from Skype Luxemburg
Mr. William Macdonald On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
Some charges have appeared on my Visa card without authorization by me. They show your name on them being Luxembourg and they are in U$. My accounts are gesundhiet and I ambicpentametre. The charges are as follows: September 6th $5 CAD, November 1st $6. 50 U$ and November 1st $10 U$. I have reported these transaction as fraudulent as you did not provide me with any notification, no invoice and no explanation of what these unauthorized charges are. I have not approved any Visa or other credit cards for Skype unless I make a payment for my account and approve it each time. You do not have authorization to apply any charges to my Visa without my consent on every such charge. Please reverse these three charges immediately and take the necessary steps to ensure that no further charges are charged to me unless I originate each one of them myself. Furthermore, I require an invoice for each charge and notification via email for each of them.
Mr. Roland Rocha On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
Why am i being charged when i have not purchased anything.
Ms. Jessie On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
I received one charge AUD10 on Amex on 22th Apri for Skype subscription, but I donot remember I use any service from skype. Could you please help me to find out what is the charge for?.
Ms. Maria Nogalo On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
I have been charged for a Skype subscription which I cancelled last year and do not want. Please arrange for a refund. Merchant 442.
Mr. Priyesh On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
Dear Sir/Madam,
I have had two amounts of £14. 71 come out of our bank account on 22/08/2016. Would you please be able to tell us what these charges are for and how I can get the invoices for the charges?
Thanks and Regards,
Priyesh .
To Skype Luxembourg
from - SKYPE USER Colette Engel - 21, rue Putty Stein L-2554 Luxembourg
tél : 432 122 portable 691 432 122
conc. : your e-mail 09. 08. 2016
I am not accepting the new contract - plse give me information - how I sign out of this offer regards C. Engel QWZH.
Mr. Emanuel De Aquino Lopes On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
Good evening. My name is Emanuel De Aquino Lopes , brazilian, Skype's user with the phone number 55 11 32806654, email is and I would like reactivate this Skype phone number. However, I'm in the reactivation procedures by web and I can not complete the payment because there is a message that "something went wrong". I usually pay by Safety Pal with bank account debt and always work well. I need support to reactivate my Skype phone number. Please help me. I'm waiting instructions from you, Thanks.
Ms. Mihaela- Carmen Matei Oncescu On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
Hello, I never been advised about a Skype subscription for amount CAD 14 and I didn't gave you an authorization for taking money for it. So please answer me a. S. A. P. Thank you.
Ms. Christine Boyle On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
Cell phone: 1-510-586-6197 I find that you have been charging my credit card for nearly two years and I have never, ever used your service. I have never used Skype in my life. Can you credit back those charges? Or should I have my bank contact you?.
Mr. Carl-henri Austil On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
Mon compte est Petaphone50. Ma carte bancaire est debitee pour us$ 10. 04 le 11 mars 2016 pour un achat de us$10. 00. Lorsque je consulte l'historique des achats cette transaction n'est pas mentionnee. On pretend dans le rapport que l'achat n'a pas pu se faire. J'aimerais avoir une explication parce que je n'ai plus de credit sur mon compte.
Ms. Ayodele Monofi On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
UNWARRANTED DEDUCTIONS IN MY CREDIT CARD:Please can you stop deducting $12. 99 Canadian Dollars monthly from this Skype name, facebook:ayo_amosuTransaction Date: Nov 14, 2015Order number is 8091000000111803277Product name: Nigeria 400 minutes one monthWe have never use this service and we do not use this service. Hence kindly refund to my credit card all charges made and we want you to discontinue charging my credit card immediately which is in my name, Ayodele Monofi for the credit card ending with 9228. Thanks, Ayodele Monofi 1 (587) 646-2577.
Ms. Ayodele Monofi On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
UNWARRANTED DEDUCTIONS IN MY CREDIT CARD:Please can you stop deducting $12. 99 Canadian Dollars monthly from this Skype name, facebook:ayo_amosuTransaction Date: Nov 14, 2015Order number is 8091000000111803277Product name: Nigeria 400 minutes one monthWe have never use this service and we do not use this service. Hence kindly refund to my credit card all charges made and we want you to discontinue charging my credit card immediately which is in my name, Ayodele Monofi for the credit card ending with 9228. Thanks, Ayodele Monofi .
Mr. Mark Drisdelle On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
I had skype world wide and cancelled it about eight months ago. I did not see any new charges until the last few months. I want to be credited for this fraud that is taking place. I am also going to contact my financial institution, this is wrong.
Ms. Yvonne On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
I was charged $18. 00 for skype, but i never used any of the features because its telling me that i do not have any credits on my my skype account. I also checked my bank account and the $18. 00 has already ben taken. I want to know how come my skpe is not activated. Also, i do not want to subscribe for any future charges or renew my skype account.
Mr. Miroslav Jirsensky On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
Hi, I have been using Skype call subscription for number of years without any problem, sudnly my subscription to call Czech Republic landline No: +420547383271 has been blocked so no one from our family can contact my mum, she is 90 years old and very ill and she can not even walk, after dozens of emails I haven't received any reasonable help. I was told that this number is too many of fraudulent calls and they are pushing my mum to change her phone number Why they are not blocking fraudulent calls and leave my mum's nuber active, she didn't anything wrong. If the number 420547383271 is receiving large number of fraudulent calls, then you should block those who are calling and doing fraudulent calls. You have no rights to block mums number because she does nothing wrong. So the victim is punished, not the offender, is that how it works?
Miroslav Jirsensky .
Ms. Elizabeth Jones On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
I was being charged for Aud $39. 00 on my credit card that I didn't authorized, I have deleted skype in my iPhone I was suspecting i was being charge because of this which I have never used I am a retired old pensioner I do not understand all this modern communication i tried to install a free one on my mobile similar to the free one on my internet, but somehow it's different, If i was being charged for this I will be requesting for a refund because It's is very deceiving and automatic charge without any notification is not allowed, please delete my account as I cannot afford this kind of charges. I am very unhappy with it. RegardsElizabeth.
Mr. Bao On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
I need you guys to stop the auto charge on my credit card. i didn't know you guys been charging me ten dollar every month for more than one year already. I need all my refund back because i don't even use Skype anymore for over one year already. please reply me back to my email.
Xiomara James On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
I am outraged that i can not get in touch with skype. I have tried everything. I am now considering a lawsuit against them, because the business is a scam. How is a business so large and not have customer service, and have so many complaining about inability to get a refund or cancellation? That is fraud. I had to consult my bank statement to find out who and where they are, and even that information is inadequate. I want a refund because i never used this service, and i want a cancellation as well as an apology. I have a large following of people with whom i will be speaking about this corrupt business.
Mr. Ernest Donato On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
Thank you. At least I can communicate with you this way. I had to go into my bank account and copy and paste the description on the bank charge to reach you. That is not a good way for you to do bluishness.
Mr. Eernest Donato On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
I just joined skype and I'm new to you and so I did not know the $8. 52 I paid was not for instant messenger or for instanttext messaging. And so i am very upset with your service. Please. I am older on fixed income and cannot pay any more. But I should be able to send text thru my computer. This is a windows seven HP. Please reply to me with SMS text message to 408 607 4607or ? Yeah?send me a link to my account so that we can chat.
Mr. Ernest Donato On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
To:lakejunki@aol.comfrom:SkypeFirst payment was taken on: 27th December 2014Next payment will be taken on: 24th of March 2015Order reference: 833557012Total amount: $8. 52 See the Terms of Use for this order in your purchase history. I signed up for an account and paid $8. 52 United States Dollars for three months serviceand I forgot my log in user name and password. You have no customer service phone number that I can call you from. Please call me back at my home phone number and leave me a message with info to sign on? Yeah? my home phone number is 408 683 4078The phone number I used to open this account is 408 607 4607, but this number is a pay as you go phone and it is out of minuets and battery is low. Please help me get on Skype. Cheers. Friends. Thanks. Ernie,
Mr. Joe L. Shaw On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
Greetings: My name is JoeL.Shaw and I am requesting you guys to desist from charging me your monthly bill of US$18. 00 effective immediately. I have lodged this complaint with my credit card company since over a year ago and still the same is reflected in my monthly bill regularly. I repeat, please stop charging my credit card effective immediately. Would appreciate if you could also initiate some refunds because we never used this type of service. Thank you very much. JoeL.Shaw.
Ms. Pamela Dawson On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
I am being charged monthly for a service I do not use. This began about five months ago when I was overseas. I have been back in Australia since July. I tried to discontinue it over the Internet- thought I was successful-, but have been charged again for November.
Ms. Joanne Dicastro On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
I have money taken from my debit account in the amount of $18. 00. I have never had a charge come out of my account before and have not approved for one to taken from my account at this time. I have reported this to my financial institution and will now report it to Visa. I would like an answer from Skype as to why and how this money was debited from my account.
Mr. Georges Quansah On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
Dear Skype, I am very sad to send you this message. From where can you proof that I ordered a telephone credit on the 25th of October, 2014 with the order number 828218954? Again,the said purchase had not been delivered,but I have been billed. It means that you are just taking money from my bank account for nothing. These had happen in many occasions and even the last one is still being discussed between skype and me. The best thing for me is to inform the French Police at once. I made no order of any telephone credit on the 25 of October,2014, but you keep on taking money from my accounts. Cheek things to yourselves. From Georges Quansah.
Mr. Rawl On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
Skype has been deducting $13.99 from my Mastercard for over six months. Now i am not using service. I have discontinued the use of Skype for more than six months ago. I would like this issue to be given some attention as soon as possible. I expected this service to be a free one. This is disappointing.
Ms. Delisa Simmons On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
Refund direct express card ending2275
Transactions taken on date 09/07/2014.
Delisa Simmons has two emails in recovery under outlook
Ask for refund product service not received communication phone.
Mr. Philippe Bakhoum On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
I have $9. 99 charges made to my Master card made by you on 15th of September. i am disputing this and please do not charge my credit card any more and if you are doing any service please stop that service. I have already called my credit card company not to accept any charge from you to my account. Please respond to my e-mail.
Thank you.
Ms. Paula Wertman On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
Please cancel my skype account. I had to use it once for a job interview in July 2014. I do not need it any more.
Paula wertman
2206 spring leaf drive
Carrollton, tx 75006.
Ms. Clara Wie On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
Everytime my credit card is used, i have a fee charged extra. Now i would like to change the credit card which is set up for automatic charge. They one i have has a foreign exchange fee so i would like to switch it to another credit card.
Please let me know how to do this.
Ms. Nikki Hazelkorn On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
Recently tried to top my previous skype account with £11. 50.
Money did not go through for several days.
Got locked out my account and had to set up new one.
Now have checked my bank account, transaction has been taken three times.
Why have i been charged three times?
Would like to have this £34. 50 refunded back to my bank account with immediate effect please.
Nikki hazelkorn.
Mr. Uttam Sharma On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
Dear Sir i would like to inform you. Now a days i have face many problem with SKYPE reason is that Skype Crushed as well as some file is missing. So please help us regarding this problem. Warning Massage is coming like that Failed to get proc Address for get logical processor information (kernall 32 .dll ) i am waiting for your favorable reply soon.
Mr. thomas mccaffrey On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
paid 18.00$ for a skype account. never finnished the process, but money was taken out. i don,t and never did have a finnished account or have been able to use your service. i need my money reimbersed. my email # is
Mr. Sam Fairchild On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
I do not use Skype minutes for anything. Not even a telephone! I had thought (months ago) that is was required for the free internet usage of Skype.
Please disconnect and cease charging me for these minutes I never used. Better yet, please refund all those charges back to my VISA card.
The courtesy of a reply is requested.
Thank you.
Sam Fairchild
Mr. Ram bahal On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
hi my name is RAM bahal
my email address is
my Skype name is manthan bahal one
I hav big mistake thats my password is not remember on the Skype account
so please help to make Skype installation of my smart phone
my contact number is +91 8800922873
from Delhi India
Mr. SURESH DEOKAR On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
Please note for one month you you told that its free trial
For that you will not charge and skype will refund One USD which I pay
But till date I had not received any refund
I had not ordered you for 9.99USD
I do not want to order to use skype
Because till date I try to connect for video chat thru skype, but till day I had not able to connect with skype
So please return my 9.99 USD I donot want to use you skype with 01 USD which I pay earlier
Suresh deokar
My SKYPE ID suresh.deokar
as per you
Mr. Piyush On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
Skype communication Luxembourg, This is Piyush Kumar Singh, Skype ID is piyush.ksingh24.There is transaction from my credit card automatically, I never ordered for this. Why this is happen?
My email ID is revert back my amount.
Ms. Alana Laux On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
My name is Alana Laux and I have noticed on my
Bank statement that for the past few months I have been charged $6.99 for Skype and an additional international fee. I am confused because I did not sign up for anything to receive these charges. I hope I can be refunded these charges and prevent further charges. Thank you
Ms. Nancy Pomponio On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
Wrong Charges to my account, double charge to the same number.
1 631 744 3151
Should be 2.99 a month
Map Pomponio
1 631 496 6234
Should be 2.99 a month
You can e-mail
Home number. one 631 744 3121
Thank You,
Nancy pomponio
Ms. Madelyne On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
I only asked for one time trial for skype service last may. I did ask to renew my service. Yet my permission i was charged $ 18.00. Please stop charging my account and cancell the service immediately.
Mr. Mike Kolhoff On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
Sunday 08-04-13
My name is Mike Kolhoff
Phone # 419 341 8144
I currently have a auto withdraw taken out of my account of $2.99 per month and I want to discontinue the service.
Thank you
Mr. Davoud On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
I am citizen of Iran. My skype ID is: daviud.vandhadi I got problem with skype account, every month skype company takes 27 EU from my account in the bank of Georgia (Republic of Georgia). I did not use skype credits and i always use make free calls. Could you help me to understand my problem?
please send me an answer to Email below:
Ms. webcom information technology On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
what is your direct Contact Number and above you mentioned number is not Valid, Order number 750729323 Order EUR10.oo for Skype Name webcom.infotech on Last 25th June 2013 we are done only one recharge.but two Transaction from my credit card and i have received only one reference number, I kindly request you to please call me back / cancel the 2nd Transaction amount and send in my account.
Mr. Elaine Fisher On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
On returning from a vacation in England, I discover that there has been a total of six fraudulent charges made to our bank account from you company. Five were made on the 8th of July in the total amount of $84.87. Another charge of $25.00 was made today - dated July 29th. The total amount is $109.87.
I sincerely hope you can remedy this situation and prevent any further charges being made to our account.
Robert A and Elaine M Fisher
Muncie, Indiana
Mr. IRFAN AHMED On Phone To Skype Luxembourg Service
Hi Team,
Kindly check below subscription i am not able to make calls
this order has been delivered.
Here are your purchase details:
Skype Name: irfanahmedskype
Product name: Package
Total amount: EUR7.49
Transaction date: July 25, 2013
Order number is 759341973
Order status: Delivered
Your early action will be highly appreciated.
waiting for your response.