Mr. Harminder Kumar Nagpal On Phone To Vijaya Bank Bangalore Service
I have taken a home loan worth Rs. 23, 00, 000/- from your branch at Krishna Park, Vikas Puri, New Delhi on 31st March, 2016. Now, the rate of home loan has been reduced w. E. F. 1st Feb., 2017, hence, my installment may also be reduced from February, 2017. I have also visited my bank again and again for the same, but nothing has been done so far. Kindly do the needful at the earliest. I am Delhi Government Employee, now in Social Welfare Department. My SB Acctt. No. 601301010022271 in the name of Harminder Kumar Nagpal .
Ms. ROWENA On Phone To Vijaya Bank Bangalore Service
Please call i want to talk about refund.
Ms. Rowena.r On Phone To Vijaya Bank Bangalore Service
My name is Rowena and i did one online payment and it is been refunded from there side. By i dint receive any amount in my account if i call to Vijaya they are not responding properly what can i do last month one they credited, but still i din receive any amount please do the needful. They have credited the amount in ARN 75134835092215051599002. This is the proof for their payment and my account number is 141001011005769. Please do the needful or we should take action against. from one month am waiting for my amount.
Mr. Prasanna On Phone To Vijaya Bank Bangalore Service
No response, one number is dose not existed.
Mr. Amrit Singh On Phone To Vijaya Bank Bangalore Service
Dear sir/madam,
I would like to inform you that, it has been more than two days my ATM card visa (4696441292029425)still not activated, I am depended on that. Could you please let me know and help me as earlier as possible.
Thanking you
Amrit singh.