Carson Pirie Scott USA Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Carson Pirie Scott USA is (847) 982-0600, 1-800-945-4438 .
Carson Pirie Scott is a part of Bon-Ton Stores. The company has been in business for over 150 years. It was started off in 1854 and its central office is situated in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States. The company deals in clothing, footwear, bedding, furniture, jewellery, beauty products and house wares. Carson's consistently gives a huge selection of peerless and limited-distribution merchandise and competitively priced demotic and unofficial trademarks tailored to the lifestyle require of clients.

The Carson Pirie Scott name is unhesitatingly allied with the historic Carson, Pirie, Scott and Company Building structural by Louis Sullivan. For corporate careers, cosmetics and beauty jobs, store jobs, internal jobs, etc. in Carson Pirie Scott USA visit at: Carson Pirie Scott USA provide varied types of items which include: Shoes, Handbags & Accessories, Jewelry & Watches, Beauty & Fragrance, Juniors, Men, Baby & Kids, Bed & Bath, Furniture, Home, Web Exclusives and Clearance, etc. The Carson Pirie Scott USA render a Gift Cards, you can also Manage Your Gift Cards online and also Print or Email a Gift Card.

Delivery Time For Online, of Carson Pirie Scott USA

For purchases, consisting merchandise or merchandise and gift cards, delivery within 3 to 6 working days and orders containing gift cards only, delivery within seven to 10 days.

Shipping Fees
Delivery OptionFlat Rate Shipping Fee
Standard Delivery $9.95
2-Day Delivery*$19.95
Next Day Delivery*$29.95
Gift Cards No Charge

Carson Pirie Scott USA Address

The address of Carson Pirie Scott USA is 3333 W Touhy Ave, Mccormick Blvd, Lincolnwood, Illinois, United States.

Carson Pirie Scott USA Website

The Website of Carson Pirie Scott USA is

Carson Pirie Scott USA Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Carson Pirie Scott USA is (847) 982-0600, 1-800-945-4438 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Carson Pirie Scott USA Service Center and Carson Pirie Scott USA customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Carson Pirie Scott USA customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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Carson Pirie Scott USA Phone Number Customer Service

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Carson Pirie Scott USA Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care female
Ms. Joanne Levin CallsDec 28, 2014

Ms. Joanne Levin On Phone To Carson Pirie Scott USA Service
I have six $20 off bonus cards due me which I was told were mailed Dec 2nd. I have called numerous times to follow up on this. It is now December 27th. I still do not have the cards. I suggested both to your customer service department as well as the store manager April, that these must have gone missing in the mail. All anyone keeps telling me to do is "wait". At this point that is no longer a satisfactory response. I am out $120 in EARNED bonus money. Please contact me to get this taken care of. I have exhausted all other known venues for recourse.

Customer care male
Mr. ketki steffen CallsSep 08, 2013

Mr. ketki steffen On Phone To Carson Pirie Scott USA Service
We purchased a sectional sofa that we need fixed or returned within the 60 day guideline. Please call or email us

Customer care user complaints