Ms. Gloria On Phone To Clearblue Pregnancy Test Service
Had one day of blank circle followed by two days of flashing smiley and a blank circle on the 4th day. Is this normal? Why didn't I get a solid smiley? Did I ovulate?.
Ms. Katie Lee On Phone To Clearblue Pregnancy Test Service
Hello. I used the week predictor test last week and got 3+. I tested today and got 2-3. Should I be worried? My calculations bring me to seven weeks pregnant. Does the test become less effective as time goes on? I heard if your hcG reaches a certain height, it just levels out and becomes less accurate. Please advised because I'm very worried. Please email me back at Katie.
Ms. Amber Holloway On Phone To Clearblue Pregnancy Test Service
I bought a box of your test with two in it and the two test didn't work nothing would show up and I spent money on your test and it didn't even work I couldn't bring it back so I do not know what to do because it was very high just to buy that one box and it upsets me because I wanted to see if I was pregant, but now I have to wait next week just to get my check to get something else 2565581219.
Ms. Chassity Olson On Phone To Clearblue Pregnancy Test Service
I have chosen clear blue because it is a reputable name brand and a little more pricey than the others, but I expect nothing, but the best. Two of the three tests didn't work and I'm not happy after spending more to get the better of the brands.
Ms. Janice Hartshorne On Phone To Clearblue Pregnancy Test Service
To whom it may concernI'm not entirely sure of whom to contact. I purchased a clearblue digital with weeks estimator pregnancy test yesterday 03/11/2015 at a local Click's store (Seadoone) in South Africa. When I followed the instructions, the pregnancy test failed to even initialize Where it normally shows the timer once submerged into the urine, the screen just remained blank. This was quite an inconvenience and as these tests are quite expensive it was a complete waste of money too. The serial number on the test was: MEN711/1 DIGITAL 2018-01 (010 21-24)Please could you follow up with regards to the matter. Thank youMrs J Hartshorne.