Coby Kyros Tablet Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Coby Kyros Tablet is 18006882629 .
Coby Kryos Tablet is most authentic product of the Coby Electronics Corporaton, which is manufacturing the electronic products especially the tablet phones. The products of the Coby Electronics Corporation are popular throughout the world. The Coby Electronics Corporation was established during the year 1991. The headquarters of the Coby Electronics Corporation is situated at New York, United States. Coby Electronics is also known as Foshan Coby Electronics Corporation. Coby Electronics Corporation is also providing its services in the cities of Mexico, China, etc.

Features of Coby Kyros Tablet

Coby Kyros Tablet has the number of special features which are mentioned below.
1. Screen Size of the Coby Kyros Tablet is seven inches.
2. The screen resolution of the Coby Kyros Tablet is 800x480.
3. Camera Screen Resolution of Coby kyros Tablet is 800x480 pixels.
4. Processor of Coby Kyros Tablet is 1GHZ.
5. Ram of Coby Kyros Tablet is 1GB.
6. The average battery life of Coby Kyros Tablet is six hours.
7. The flash memory size of Coby Kyros Tablet is 4GB.
8. There are different colors of Coby Kyros Tablet like black, white, charcoal, etc.

Coby Kyros Tablets are the chiefest cell phones which have two years warranty. The Coby Kyros Tablet enables customers to opt for online shopping, internet services, getting recipes, chatting with friends and relatives, etc. It also enables customers to browse the web, receive and send the emails, playing games, listening to music, reading eBooks, etc.

Social Media Networking Links of Coby Kyros Tablet

LinkedIn Page link of Coby Kryos Tablet

Twitter Page link of Coby Kryos Tablet

Coby Kyros Tablet Address

The address of Coby Kyros Tablet is Lake Success, New York United States.

Coby Kyros Tablet Email Address

The email address of Coby Kyros Tablet is

Coby Kyros Tablet Website

The Website of Coby Kyros Tablet is

Coby Kyros Tablet contact person

The contact person of Coby Kyros Tablet is Young Dong Lee.

Coby Kyros Tablet Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Coby Kyros Tablet is 18006882629 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Coby Kyros Tablet Service Center and Coby Kyros Tablet customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Coby Kyros Tablet customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against Coby Kyros Tablet. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that Coby Kyros Tablet will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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