Fairpoint NH Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Fairpoint NH is +1-(866)-984-3001 .
FairPoint, NH is one of the locations of Fairpoint Communications Inc., a Russell 2000 company specializes in Mobile communications services. Its network is spread in 17 US states. The company offers long distance telephone services, cable TV, broadband internet and telecommunication solutions for residential and businesses. It serves over 1.3 millions customers throughout the country. The company is publicly traded on the Nasdaq under the symbol "FRP".

FairPoint History

FairPoint Communications Inc., was incorporated in 1991. The initial name of the company was MJD Communications Inc. In the year 2006, the company completed the acquisition of Cass County Telephone Company and as a result the Fairpoint Communications Missouri came into existence. FairPoint uses the Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) technology for providing internet services. It is one of the America's six largest wireline phone companies. The company employs approximately 3,300 employees.

FairPoint NH Office Address:

FairPoint NH is located at 770 Elm St, Manchester, New Hampshire, 03101, United States.

Contact number of FairPoint NH:

+1-(866)-984-3001 For any inquiries customer can call at the given number.

FairPoint Head Office Details:

The head office of the company is situated at 521 E. Morehead St., Suite 500, Charlotte, North Carolina, 28202, United States. Contact Number of FairPoint Head office is 1-866-377-3747.

Customer can contact FairPoint head office on above mentioned address we have shared below. Customer can also contact head office by calling on above mentioned phone number.

FairPoint Official Website:

www.fairpoint.com For further information regarding company’s products and services, people can access their official website mentioned above where they can get full information and answers of their queries.

Social Networking Links of FairPoint:

FairPoint has presence in many social networking sites to interact with the users. The company has created pages on Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter.

FairPoint on Facebook:

FairPoint on Linkedin:

FairPoint on Twitter:

Fairpoint NH Address

The address of Fairpoint NH is 770 Elm St, Manchester, New Hampshire, 03101, United States.

Fairpoint NH Website

The Website of Fairpoint NH is www.fairpoint.com.

Fairpoint NH Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Fairpoint NH is +1-(866)-984-3001 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Fairpoint NH Service Center and Fairpoint NH customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Fairpoint NH customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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Fairpoint NH Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care male
Mr. John Mcmahon CallsAug 04, 2018

Mr. John Mcmahon On Phone To Fairpoint NH Service
Getting bad hum on phone line. Started after line was struck by tree and moved utility pole. The line now is strung right like a banjo strong. Phone 763432. Cell 9787580102.

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