Mr. Arcenio Lopez On Phone To Frys Food Service
Hi , This is 2Nd Time, I file a Complaint, Its been two Months, Since Fuel Store Over Charge Me by *80. 00 I file a Complaint and got response that They would get in touch with Me two Months and Yet Nothing, Your Clerk Made the Error Overcharge and Yet I can Believe Frys Service is Way ? You Got all My Information and email If I do not Here with Next two Weeks I will Have to File a Complaint BBB
ticket 04/19/2020 1:55PM Store 101 Clerk Michael, I put 25. 00 of Gas and Got Charge 25. 00 Of gas I actually got : but, I also Plus 40. 00 and Again 40. 00 and Got Charge to My Account 110. 00 ? an Overcharge of 80. 00.
Mr. Ron Wiernusz On Phone To Frys Food Service
Monument sign with nine business including fry's food at the top of sign not lighted at night has been this way for months called a number of times to local corporate buckeye AZ no action taken, contacted management at this store 43 avenue and cactus road phoenix AZ same results contacted strategic retail group which I do beleve is responsible for the maintenance of the sign same results nothing done. Also their is conduit connection with wires exposed possible shock hazard please contact me as soon as possible so this problem can be resolved thanks.
Ms. Donna Pointer On Phone To Frys Food Service
We have lived in Maricopa, AZ for over three years and we used to get coupons in the mail that we used faithfully. Since my daughter (Misty Smith)is on food stamps she also looked forward to using hers also. I believe in the last six months we have not gotten any Fry's coupons in the mail. What has happened?.