Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel is +1-902-421-1700 / 1-800-721-7033 .
The Halifax Marriot Harbourfront Hotel is considered as one of the Luxury hotels in Halifax which is centralized at 1919 Upper Water St, Halifax, NS B3J 3J5 in Canada. It serves as a great palace to organize conferences, meetings, social soirees as it has an area of approximately 17,000 square feet which can hold upto 1,000 people in a room. The hotel comprises of 6 story building which includes 333 rooms, 8 Meeting rooms, 19 suites, a Lobby and Public Areas in which free Internet access is provided 24*7. In addition to this, it also consists of various local attractions such as Casino, Keith's Brewery, Dalhousie University, Art Gallry, Museum of Altantic, Bluenose Hill, Citadel Hill, Discovery Center and Granite Spring Golf Club. The Halifax Marriot Harbourfront Hotel also serves as a Fitness and Recreation Center which provide health and fitness related facilities VIA Fitness Zone, Indoor Pool, Indoor Spa and various equipments.

Careers At Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel

Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel is a place where applicants can get environment like home. Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel offers best opportunity everyday. Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel is a place where talents are appreciated. Candidates are invited to apply for jobs at the organization. Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel corporation discovers incredible opportunities to explore the future. To know regarding careers at Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel, visit at this site:

Contact Numbers Of Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel

To know about the facilities available at Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel use the below contacts to communicate with the officials:
  • Shareowner Services: 1-800-311-4816
  • Investor Relations: +1-301-380-6500
  • General Information: +1-902-421-1700
Reservations: 1-888-236-2427
  • Marriott Rewards Members: 1-801-468-4000
  • Group Events & Planning: 1-800-831-4004
  • Customer Support: 1-800-721-7033

  • Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel Address

    The address of Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel is 1919 Upper Water Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3J5, Canada.

    Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel Website

    The Website of Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel is www.marriott.com.

    Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel Customer Support Service Phone Number

    The customer support phone number of Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel is +1-902-421-1700 / 1-800-721-7033 (Click phone number to call).

    The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel Service Center and Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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    We advise you to express your problem or complaint against Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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