Police Non Emergency London Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Police Non Emergency London is 101 / 18001 101 .
As the name suggests, Police Non Emergency number is a non emergency number of London police, a police force which comes under the jurisdiction of England and Wales, and on the other hand it governed by Common Council of the City of London. Its major function is to enforce law in the city. Non emergency number is an arrangement by the London police through which people of London can contact them in the case when there is no emergency. All the kinds of complaints which don't requires urgent presence of the London police are heard on this non emergency number. Non emergency number should be dialed in any kind of medical problem where life is not in danger. On the other hand, it includes stolen of minor things, broken and damage of property, complaints regarding to noise pollution. Apart from this, non emergency number can also be used in the case of law related concerns. London Police has arranged both emergency and non emergency numbers; in the case, time and resources of the police shouldn't be wasted in useless complaints. 101 is non emergency number of London Police that connects caller direct to local police of his or her area. This number remains available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This number is used for all 43 police forces of England and Wales and can be dialed from landlines and Mobile networks, costs 15 pence per call.

Online Services Rendered By Police Non Emergency London

The online services offered by Police Non Emergency London includes:
  • Resident email alerts
  • Business email alerts
  • Real-time alert messages

Careers At Police Non Emergency London

Police Non Emergency London offers many career opportunities to all dedicated employees with out any range of caste, creed and color. Police Non Emergency London also provides best environment to their employees, where they can feel like home. All interested applicants who are interested to apply at Police Non Emergency London can visit at this site:

Contact Numbers Of Police Non Emergency London

For any kind of service, contact Police Non Emergency London by dialing the given numbers:
  • Dial: 999 in an emergency
  • Dial: 101 in a non emergency
  • General Information: 519-661-5670
  • OIPRD : 1-877-411-4773

  • Police Non Emergency London Address

    The address of Police Non Emergency London is New Scotland Yard 8-10 Broadway, London, United Kingdom.

    Police Non Emergency London Website

    The Website of Police Non Emergency London is www.cityoflondon.police.uk.

    Police Non Emergency London Customer Support Service Phone Number

    The customer support phone number of Police Non Emergency London is 101 / 18001 101 (Click phone number to call).

    The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Police Non Emergency London Service Center and Police Non Emergency London customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Police Non Emergency London customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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Police Non Emergency London Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care female
Ms. Dolly M Byard CallsJan 24, 2018

Ms. Dolly M Byard On Phone To Police Non Emergency London Service
Decidedto let you know that I keep getting calls saying I have to get my lawyer to call as I have tax deficiencies and committing tax fraud. Those are their words. Phone number is 613-927-9230. None of the above is true by the way. Do you investigate these?.

Customer care female
Ms. Nicole Thomson CallsAug 30, 2018

Ms. Nicole Thomson On Phone To Police Non Emergency London Service
The drug use and dealing of drugs in Gatehouse Square is a huge problem for us resid ents. The main dealers lives at flat A 33 Gatehouse Square and attracts mainly young men from all estates in the area. They sit in the square day and night taking drugs, riding scooters making lots of noise and mess. I am reside t in Gatehouse Square and feel inti dated, tired and depressed that this has been allowed to become a terrible nucience. Southwark council cup with the police could do a lot more to stop this. My phone one number is 02036863669The address of this drug activity is Gatehouse Square Southwark Bridge road SE19HH. My name is Nicole Thomson .

Customer care user complaints