Mr. Mark Carey On Phone To Hotspot Shield Service
484 880 9662 I have forgotten my username and password. I can not get in.
Mr. Paul Douglas On Phone To Hotspot Shield Service
Your business practice of locking me out of access on my MacBook are totally despicable. Were I not a subscriber on other Apple devices, I would cancel and go somewhere else faster than you can type VPN .
Mr. Jeff On Phone To Hotspot Shield Service
I'm using your VPN for free. How come it keeps switching off when I sign in to certain things? I do not want it switching off, because that compromises my privacy. So please look into it.
Mr. David Green On Phone To Hotspot Shield Service
Quit sending these damn notices about Hot Spot.
Mr. David Green On Phone To Hotspot Shield Service
Quit sending these FUCKING messages about Hot Spot immediately I will fucking turn your asses in.
Mr. Chris Mcdowell On Phone To Hotspot Shield Service
You charged my card twice once on may 23 2018 and today may 27 20018 please put back the $12. 99 on the card.
I activated Hotspot Shield premium and paid. I gave my email ID Senthooran b@gmail. Co, but my actual email ID is Senthooran The problem i forget my password. There is only one option forget password password reset code will be sent to email id, but there is no email ID Senthooran b@gmail. Co so how can i reset my password. Please help me.
Mr. John Freitas On Phone To Hotspot Shield Service
I Am An Ultimate Member, Cannot Sign In On My New Compute, .
Mr. John Freitas On Phone To Hotspot Shield Service
Hello, I Paid $99. 00 For Unlimited Membership/ I Was Enabled To Hotspot Sheild Well? Now I Have A New Computer/ I Do Not Use The Old One Anymore/ I Cannot Connect On New Computer, Thank You.
Mr. Mr Kar Wong On Phone To Hotspot Shield Service
Its ridiculaus. I have been trying to connect a different VPN (UK, Hong Kong and New Zealand) for 3/4 hours a day without success in China.
Ms. Georgette Tomlinson On Phone To Hotspot Shield Service
You charge my account 12. 99 for hotspot and there was no money in my account and the bank charge me 36. 00, I never order hotspot, I live in a nursing home and have wifi everywhere. You need to refund the money back to the bank and pay the 36. 00 to them or you get them to remove it.
Mr. Jordan Ross On Phone To Hotspot Shield Service
I would like a refund please. Trying this service has already costed me a lot of time and patience. Because I just paid I'm sure there wont be a problem. Please refund back to the card used. Thanks.
Mr. Hamad On Phone To Hotspot Shield Service
Every time I try to connect the application shuts down and exit.
I am USA resident now travelling in Ukraine. I cannot connect to your Hotspot Shield websites to order or get support for your VPN product. It makes me wonder if it would work at all. If so why would I use a product for which I cannot get support?.
Mr. Naveed Alam On Phone To Hotspot Shield Service
I have a problem with browsing when hot spot connected. I need the on line support via team viewer. Please contact me on +971 52 6611710.
Mr. Naveed Alam On Phone To Hotspot Shield Service
I have problem with browsing while hotspot connected. I need the online support via teamviewer.
Mr. Junaid On Phone To Hotspot Shield Service
You must be kidding right ? I never got through the number ever. In fact i do not think it is any active subscriber. Thanks for ruining half of my day hotspot .
What response ? You dial those numbers and nothing happens. IS Hotspot Shield also a scam ? coz i have just paid for my subscription, but of no use. Neither the software is getting upgraded nor has the renewal taken place yet. I have written several emails to the support staff, but the only ones which got answered so far are the ones in which i wrote i want to purchase hotshot shield. I rest my case. Good riddance for just $6 or something. Gotta be careful in the future.
Ms. Sarah Harvey On Phone To Hotspot Shield Service
I have just applied to upgrade to elite, the first payment seemed to be stuck in processing payment for over 30 minutes, so I cancelled and tried again, it then said card denied, but I have just checked my bank account and two payments have come out. What should i do?.
Mr. Steven Cooper On Phone To Hotspot Shield Service
I purchased a one membership on Aug 14th 2015 and it gave me a week. Now it says Expired. I have written several times and all I get back is "Can't find transaction" Well my bank has. I was charged the 29. 95 as you will see in the attached image. Below that you will find the bank withdraw and below that you will find the PayPal receipt. Please tell me how you are unable to find it and I have receipts showing I did. ORDER SUMMARYPersonal InformationSteven Cooper 73170, United Statessc00per72@yahoo.comOrder InformationOrder : ST711819469Order Date: 8/14/2015Order Method: Web Store Grand Total: $29. 95 Order Item DetailsHot spot Shield Elite - one Year, Best Value SKU82225483855 1 at $29. 95 eachREGISTRATION INFORMATION Serial Number: 92PRL84QTTVPVACExpiration Date: 8/14/2016IMPORTANT Your PayPal account will show a transaction from eSellerate in the amount of $29. 95. Sub Total: $29. 95Tax: $0. 00Shipping: $0. 00Grand Total: $29. 95.