Ms. Katie On Phone To IMVU Service
MY account AntisocialShyla has been disabled i have not been on in days money from a friend was even put towards my account as a gift to me for so why was i disabled this is not fair i am outraged right now and beyond upset i need an explination.
Ms. Sierra On Phone To IMVU Service
Hi I'm trying to get into my old account, but it want send password to email. My username is Avona12 old password butterfly2 can not get in.
I'm trying to get back into my old account, but I FORGOT the password to it My IMVU username is Avona12 the old password was butterfly2 can give me a reset password or something?.
Ms. Penny Taylor On Phone To IMVU Service
Last week i sent in copy of my driver licence , , , , i sent in another two days ago all i want is to put my real age up.
Mr. Phillip On Phone To IMVU Service
I got hacked and buy the guy BLOOD GANG
And i need your help.
Ms. Katie On Phone To IMVU Service
I want my account back please give it back to me, I did everything.
Ms. April Simpsin On Phone To IMVU Service
Someone has hacked and stolen one of my accounts. The account name was SecretDevil59. The hacker just changed it to ANZEOZ.
My name is Alison Houston I go by the name of XLysaaAngelWolfX on IMVU I'm contacting you because I have just been hacked and I nee help recoving my account.
Mr. Nogud4u On Phone To IMVU Service
My account was hacked I can not get into my account, I had this account for five years.
Ms. Penny D Taylor On Phone To IMVU Service
DJxBlueeSPIRITxX please release my credits.
Mr. Scott Murray On Phone To IMVU Service
I cant remember my password and reset menu for it was to confuseing.
I am trying to get my IMVU account back in order I do not know how to use the help ticket because it wont let me do anything. My Avitar name is "FIRESTARTERHUSLAZ".
Ms. Danny On Phone To IMVU Service
I got my acc hacked by a guy I had that acc for a year the acc name is Danny 11505 the password was Danny 11505, but he changed it can you please get my acc backkk.
Mr. Terry Vincent On Phone To IMVU Service
My account hacked I'm in Illinois my password was changed and I was online when it happened its now 12:25 am my standard time
and 25, 000 creds were removed from my account my number is 309 883 4216 I am Terry Vincent
my profile picture was also changed as well that is not my picture I had when I was away.
Ms. Kierra On Phone To IMVU Service
My account been hacked and I do not know how to get my account back.
Ms. Kara On Phone To IMVU Service
My account ValxRenee was hacked and i was wondering if you could help me get it back.
Ms. Milzey On Phone To IMVU Service
My account has been hacked. When I tried to recover it from my email address it said that my email wasn’t available. I have purchased a monthly VIP pass, can you please help me get my account back.