Interstate Batteries Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Interstate Batteries is 1.800.830.9011 .
Interstate Batteries is also called as Interstate Battery System of America Incorporation. It is a distributing company of automobile batteries that are produced by Johnson Controls. Johnson Controls is a public company of auto and truck parts based in the United States. Interstate Batteries was set up in the year of 1952.

Products and Services of Interstate Batteries

The company provides vast collection of Interstate Batteries that include Motorcycle, Calculators, Personal Water Craft, Two-Way Radios, Emergency Lighting, Lawn and Garden, Personal Water Craft, Cellular Phones, Coin Cells, Wheelchairs and many other online through its e-shop:

Network Area of Interstate Batteries

The company has approximately 200,000 retail stores including Australia, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Guyana, Panama and United States. Its headquarters is situated in Texas, United States. It supplies more than 16,000 products through retail stores and online. There are 16,000 various types of batteries that are categorized into home and electronics, health & medical, lighting and security, work and office, vehicle batteries etc are available in the stock.

Operational Stores of Interstate batteries

The company operate business through 300 independent distributors and 200,000 automotive stores in various locations around the world. Interstate Batteries successfully marketed over 17 million batteries annually and provide complete range of products and service solutions to their customers. The company provides online services for customers and if customer is not satisfied with any product, it can be returned within the 45 days of purchasing. Interstate Batteries is the sponsor for the Joe Gibbs Racing NASCAR team.

Customer Service Hours of Interstate Batteries

The company provide customer service from Monday to Friday : 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. For any other query, contact customer service desk at “1-866-842-5368”.

Fax Number of Interstate Batteries:

The fax number is: +1-866-595-9565.

Address Location of Instate Batteries

12770 Merit Drive, Suite 400, Dallas, Texas, 75251, United States.

Social Media Link of Interstate Batteries:

Facebook Page of Interstate Batteries

Linkedin Page of Interstate Batteries

Interstate Batteries on twitter

Interstate Batteries on google Plus

Pinterest Page of Interstate Batteries

Official Website of Instate Batteries
For further information, people can access above mentioned official website of interstate Batteries.

Interstate Batteries Address

The address of Interstate Batteries is 12770 Merit Drive, Suite 400, Dallas, Texas, 75251, United States.

Interstate Batteries Email Address

The email address of Interstate Batteries is

Interstate Batteries Website

The Website of Interstate Batteries is

Interstate Batteries Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Interstate Batteries is 1.800.830.9011 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Interstate Batteries Service Center and Interstate Batteries customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Interstate Batteries customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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Interstate Batteries Phone Number Customer Service

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Interstate Batteries Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care female
Ms. Ronelle Opland CallsApr 28, 2017

Ms. Ronelle Opland On Phone To Interstate Batteries Service
We are having privacy issues with a Interstate battery store in Sioux falls, SD ! My Husband and I are SELF EMPLOYED , we take used batteries to this store for income! My Husbands (former employer) goes into the store and intimidates the employees and Lies, stating we are stealing his batteries! They will ALWAYS give him a print off or tell him the amount we have received when we bring batteries in ! This is a Violation of the Privacy Act and we will not put up with it anymore ! We are not involved with him and per our attorney, if this doesn't quit we will be taking legal steps. We file a 1099 tax form and we are not taking this lightly any more!! This matter has been going on for a couple years now. I have contacted the Sioux Falls store my self last year and went rounds with the Manager on this issue ! OBVIOUSLY it didn't help, because it has continued to happen this year also ! I'll be waiting for a response or feel free to call me on this matter ! FEELING FEDUP ! Thanks !

Customer care male
Mr. Tom Williamson CallsSep 05, 2018

Mr. Tom Williamson On Phone To Interstate Batteries Service
I have attached scans of my purchase of an Interstate battery 8/3/17 from Tiretracks. I also attached an invoice stating battery was replaced due to a a low cca test of 394 after recharging to uphold the alternator warranty. This invoice is dated 8/21/2018 - a little more than a year later. I am asking for a refund of the battery. The Sahs Auto customerservice@sahs is holding the battery if you want to pick it up. Just reply to me and I will email them. Can you reply that this email was received satisfactorily and that you are acting on the complaint. Tom Williamson 815 534-5016.

Customer care male
Mr. Rahul Kalamkar CallsJul 21, 2015

Mr. Rahul Kalamkar On Phone To Interstate Batteries Service
Please give address and contact no for warranty process in pune location.

Customer care user complaints