Jaybird Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Jaybird is 1-866-244-3399 .
Jaybird is an American premium sports brand offering innovative designs of sports product. The company was founded in 2006 & Revenue of company in 2010 was US $ 31.2 million. Main products offered by company are Bluetooth headphones, Reign life tracker & Freedom Sprint. Judd Armstrong is the founder & Chief Executive Officer of the company. Jesse Thomas, Nick Rimano, Curtis Keene, Tim Hall & Caroline Gleich are the brand ambassadors of the products, offered by the company. Jaybird is headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, United States. On above mentioned address of head office, customers can contact for any query, complaint or suggestion regarding products & services of the company.

Jaybird Customer Support Operations:

On Jaybird Customer Support Number, you can call to talk with customer care representative of company to get any information regarding services of the company. This number offers their services between 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM from Monday to Friday. This number is toll free from all networks across the country.

Jaybird Social Media Profiles:

Addition to the official website of the company, Customers can also visit to the official social profiles of the company for further information regarding products & services of Jaybird. The direct links of the official account of social media websites are given below:

Jaybird Facebook Account Link:

Jaybird Twitter Account Link:

Jaybird YouTube Account Link:

Jaybird Instagram Account Link:

Jaybird Vimeo Account Link:

If you want to follow Jaybird on social networking websites, you can access above mentioned website links. Company regularly updates photos & videos about their products in these websites.

Jaybird Customer Service Hours:
This office remains open between 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM from Monday to Friday.

Jaybird Address

The address of Jaybird is 3676 W California Avenue STE A-111, Salt Lake City Utah 84104, United States.

Jaybird Website

The Website of Jaybird is www.jaybirdsport.com.

Jaybird Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Jaybird is 1-866-244-3399 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Jaybird Service Center and Jaybird customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Jaybird customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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Jaybird Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care female
Ms. Lisa Villagomez CallsOct 16, 2017

I bought the Jaybird X3 and after a month people kept saying I was breaking up or I sounded muffled. Its a shame cause I really like the brand. I upgraded from the X2's and now I had to go and spend another 129 on a new pair. I decided to try the Freedom two I hope I have a better experience. I there is something you can do to maybe fix the ones I have or replace them I would really appreciate it.

Customer care female
Ms. Taylor CallsMay 01, 2017

Ms. Taylor On Phone To Jaybird Service

I love these headphones, however the ear buds fell off the ends of the headphones so now they do not stay in my ears. Is it possible for you to send me a replacement pair?

Taylor .

Customer care male
Mr. Axel Garcia CallsSep 30, 2017

Mr. Axel Garcia On Phone To Jaybird Service
Hello I recently lost the charging clip to my headphones, and was wondering where I could go to buy a replacement.

Customer care male
Mr. Samuel Dulieu CallsSep 22, 2017

I have purchased my Jaybird freedom headphones in February of 2017. Since purchasing them, I treated them with the utmost care, ensuring I did not overcharge them, excessively wet them, or damage them physically in any which way. As of last week, I began to have many problems with them. The light no longer illuminates when charging them, the battery life only lasts three hours TOPS on full charge (I do not listen to my music over 75% volume), and not to mention that the earpiece has gotten stuck in my eat not once, but three TIMES IN THE LAST WEEK. The first time the suction piece got stuck in my ear, I needed to have my mother prod at it with tweezers for a half hour before being able to retrieve them, and the following two times I needed to cut my workout short because the suction piece was stuck in my ear and I needed to get it taken out. As so, I was wondering if there was anything you guys could do to help resolve my issue. I have proof of purchase. Thank you.

Customer care male
Mr. Francis Ngawoofah CallsMay 29, 2018

Hi. I bought some Jaybird X3's on the 12th of April 2018 through UK retailer Argos. A couple of days ago the LED light refused to turn off and stayed red constantly. The battery would also deplete after charging even though i hadnt used the earphones. Today I tried to turn the earphones on, but they are completely dead. They have not been exposed to extreme heat or mistreatment as I keep them in a pouch. The only moisture they have come into contact with is the sweat from when I used them for training. I have had them for under two months and the supplier i bought them from only provides a 30 day return on faulty products. Could you help please?
I should have attached an image with the purchase date. Thanks

Francis N.

Customer care female
Ms. Ankita Singh CallsJan 06, 2018

Hello Team, I am using Jaybird X3 headphone. It was purchased in 2017 in the month of February. Suddenly it has stopped working. It is not powering on and not charging. Kindly help me to get it fixed or serviced. In India I am not finding any service Center where I can go and get it serviced. Kindly help with possible solution. Best Regards, Ankita Singh .

Customer care male
Mr. Kuldeep CallsAug 08, 2017

My Jaybird freedom not charging. Charging light on for few seconds after that not charging.

Customer care male
Mr. Daniel Moreno CallsJul 19, 2017

Mr. Daniel Moreno On Phone To Jaybird Service
Hello, I have had my pair for a couple years, but have hardly used them. When I charged them up for a run this morning, I discovered that the right-side stopped working. I am not sure what the warranty period is, but is it possible to send headphones in for repair or replacement? I really enjoyed my headphones when they worked and I am hoping that you can help me out with this situation. Thank you in advance for your time, help, and understanding. My mobile number is 210-409-8286. Daniel Moreno .

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