Ms. Rochelle On Phone To Lime Jamaica Service
Im trying to set up whats app o a new phone, trying to send a text sg to my lime phone, i am ovrseas and i added $1000. Credit to my number for roaming charges and i am not receiving the text and i am unable to get customer service. I am not satisified as i thought customer service was 24hrs, in any case i need some help in getting my number reactivated.
Ms. June Hay On Phone To Lime Jamaica Service
Fax line 876-757-9449 is not working, please dispatch technician.
Mr. Jordon Jackson On Phone To Lime Jamaica Service
Hello. My name is Jordon Jackson . Today I noticed my chips was not picking up any signal and I thought to my self that flow must have shut down my chip because I cant remember the last time I have put some credit on my chip. I was wondering if you can activate back my chip so that I will be able to put some credit on. My number is (876)-771-6604. Your help will be greatly appreciated.
Ms. Garcia Forbes Davis On Phone To Lime Jamaica Service
My name is Garcia Forbes Davis , my accountis 252000980000. I have paid my internet bill in November6, 2017 in the amount of $6034. 15 they gave me a reference006964. The balance for November keep reoccurring even to the point where the internet connect was partially block 30of November. I have called customer service several times, I visited the office in Montego Bay and gave them a copy of the print out of my credit card bill which reflect the payment. Honestly, I am so tired of this now because the same thing is happening for December where the internet connect is partially block. At this point I feel like I want to terminate my service with flow because the system is so tardy. Please I am asking you the investigate. Today I called customer service and was put and hold the person did not return. Please intervene because this is getting out of hand.
Mr. Earl Russell On Phone To Lime Jamaica Service
I call customer service to get roaming on my phone, I received a code entered it only to reach in Florida and have no roaming. How can this problem be corrected.
Ms. Dionne Clarke On Phone To Lime Jamaica Service
Good morning. I topped up my mobile this morning with a $100. 00 card value. To my surprise and dismay the feed-back message said my primary balance is $99. 36. HOW COME? I had a $2. 34 balance before topping up, so HOW is it that AFTER topping up with $100. 00 I have less than more. Please give me back my money.
Ms. Angella Norman On Phone To Lime Jamaica Service
Good day, I called Lime's customer care two weeks ago to ascertain how to put on a mobile internet plan and found it quite difficult to communicate with the representative as she spoke very little and poor English, kindly have this addressed. Another thing is, after dialing the customer care number (100), i was billed for the call, may I have my credit be reimbursed please and thank you. I have also tried to browse the internet in trying to find out how to activate a data plan and is finding it hard to do so as I cant find where it gives instructions on how to activate an internet plan. I would in fact call the customer care number, but is afraid of doing so because of the the problems highlighted and explain in my previous paragraphs. Another concern is that I am having problems with the Lime network as it is not very reliable and efficient, kindly address these concerns as soon as possible. Regards.
Ms. Donna On Phone To Lime Jamaica Service
Hi. I have been having alot of issues with the lime phone I have in jamaica. I can not receive some text messages. And I also have a hard time getting long distance calls to go through. Is this something that is wrong with the network? Or is there other issues going on?.
Ms. Grace Leach On Phone To Lime Jamaica Service
I have a lime alcatel phone and since yesterday i have been unable to make calls and receive i even top up today and when i got home it was still saying emergency calls only and i really need to make calls because this is a bushiness phone so far i cannot conduct any form of bushiness as the phone isn't functioning.
Mr. Rosalia Irving On Phone To Lime Jamaica Service
I am presently on holiday in the states, but my phone is unable to connect to WiFi or receive SMS text. My telephone number is 876-332-0518.
Ms. Mavis Mcewan On Phone To Lime Jamaica Service
Dear Customer Service, I, Mavis Mcewan presently a client of yours with an Email account as, I just tried to access my email account through Google today as I always did from outside of Jamaica(I'm presently visiting in Ontario, Canada)and could not do so. A report came up advising of some Lime Error quoting number as caOb88df23. Can you please rectify this problem ASAP and allow me access to my email account. I must have my email up and running as I need to use it on a regular basis owing to the fact I'm out of the country and still have to take care of my responsibilities I have there. If you need to contact me before my email becomes accessible to me, you can email me at my son's email address(stevemcewan@symatico. Ca) Thank you for a quick response to this email request.
Ms. Melisa On Phone To Lime Jamaica Service
Hey, I am on a 30 day plan but am not sure if am getting the $1.99 a minute. Is there a way you can check it. My telephone number is 312-4342
Ms. Joan On Phone To Lime Jamaica Service
Good afternoon I was sending credit to phone 8767761553 with computer error it went to 8767761515 is there any way you could help me to transfer it to the right thank you.
Ms. Ivy Anderson-lawrence On Phone To Lime Jamaica Service
Rosedale House scheme Four Paths Clarendon very low hanging phone line, The rubbish truck and high truck get stuck on the line. Please can your company correct this before your customer loose their phone services. Has from Lot 19 easily seen as you drive down Rosedale.
Ms. Primrose Williams On Phone To Lime Jamaica Service
I am having problem accessing the internet --whenever i try to log on i keep getting error message saying the web is unavailable -this has been going on for more than a week now -when i do get on it is only for short periods
Mr. Michael Harrison On Phone To Lime Jamaica Service
I am unable to top up my phone using ezetop. Lime does not recognize my number which 8765462696. Please let me know what I need to do to top up.
Mr. Cevil Martin On Phone To Lime Jamaica Service
Support Request Phone is 001 876 837-2567 CevilMartin. All please note that my line is not accepting calls. There is an issue. RegardsCevil.
Ms. Christine On Phone To Lime Jamaica Service
For customer agent here's a suggestion. When customers paid there bill and have to call on to get to the technical support instead just turn on the internet service if using (browse and talk) within 24hour turn on the service.
Ms. Saundria Brown On Phone To Lime Jamaica Service
I have done a form asking that my phone line be transferred to Luana in Black River St. Elizabeth, My phone number is 966-6310 or if the line cannot be transferred how about putting up a port for my internet service. I call customer care and keeping asking what is happening only to be told that they have not seen any thing on the system for me. I am hoping that something can be done as early as possible because i need the internet to do school work. I am moving from where i am now living to my house in Luana. My Email address is I looking forward for an early response. Thank you.
Ms. Jacqueline Chin On Phone To Lime Jamaica Service
Reporting a fault on 876 985 8588. The phone has been out of service for almost two weeks. We've reported it several times. There was a booking for Technicians to come on Monday, they have not turned up and there has been no follow up call.
Ms. Sharon Mckenzie On Phone To Lime Jamaica Service
I have been without internet and telephone services since December four, 2014. Technicians visited my home December five, 2014 and left without correcting the problem and promised to return the next day. Todate there has been no communication from LIME to indicate what the problem is and or when it will be rectified. I use the internet for my job and as such I have been gravely inconvenienced since then. I have to be buying internet service from Digicel and will be required to pay lime for service I have not been receiving. If this problem will not be resolved in short order please remove your lines from my home as I must make alternative arrangements to get my job done. Sharon Mckenzie, 35 Boundbrook Crescent, Port Antonio, Portland.
Mr. Albert Lynch On Phone To Lime Jamaica Service
We are trying to speak with someone within your customer care centre. Our phone line is not operating as it should, we have no dial tone whatsoever. We have reported this matter on Friday 26 December with no results. The phone has been like this for more than a week. It was brought to our attention by outside callers trying to get through. Our telephone number is 9669514Name AlbertLynchWe were given a Reference number1720720.
Ms. Chereece Williams On Phone To Lime Jamaica Service
I have activated a plan for unlimited message and 200 minutes talk time last night at 12/23/14. I used about an hour and 15 minutes and was not able to send any free messages. I tried making calls this morning and it said I had no balance left on my phone. It also did not give me the option to add five numbers I wanted to call or text. I need a response and an explanation. I called customer care and was on hold for more than an hour. My number is 770-8375.
Has a customer am trying to call lime customer service, but it look like you guys number is not working the number I am calling is 1800 804 2994, but its not working can your office issue me with your new number so that I can call to speak with at Lime Jamaica.
Ms. Yvette Reid On Phone To Lime Jamaica Service
What wrong with this phone number line. I have been trying to get through to human being and no luck. I live in the UK and i send some credit to jamaica, but to the wrong number all, i wanted to speak to someone about it and to send the credit to the right number. I think you should up grade your service. Its not good at all i am very disappointed. I would love to get my money back. Please Thank you.
Ms. Teniel Nelson On Phone To Lime Jamaica Service
Lime sucks switching not getting what i bargain for you guys and do not reply to messages and your customer care service is not good, take days before getting to you.
Ms. Teniel Nelson On Phone To Lime Jamaica Service
Account number is 23459623000. Telephone number is 993-7583. CIS 9623 from October 12 am not getting any internet service. I have been trying to call ever since and not getting through. So i am asking if you can send one of your technicians to come and look at it. Please i am switching to dekall. Also having another problem, you are billing me too high at every month. I am supposed to pay $2500 each month and i am paying way for more than that and am on the browse and talk.
Ms. i hate lime On Phone To Lime Jamaica Service
LIME is the most thieving company ever created! They are crooks and someone needs to investigate them! Everytime I top up my phone lime turns around and TAKE out the money without I make any calls or text and although my BBM srevice is paid for I just topped up 12 dollars, gota first text stating I topped up 12 dollars, got one a minute later saying my balance is 2.49 cause I had been billed for baby service! Then got one a few minutes later saying my balance is 000 then a few minutes later that it was minus eight dollars ALL WITHOUT MAKING A SINGLE CALL OR SENDING TEXT! I meI mean WTF? And this happens on a regular basis and they wonder y digicel is the bigger better company? Of course no one knows how to contact customer care anymore to get the matter sorted, friend suggested dialling BASTARDS and that might connect to LIME, maybe that should be LIME official contact detail. WORST MOBILE SERVICE PROVIDER EVER