Masterbuilt Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Masterbuilt is 1-800-489-1581 .
Masterbuilt is categorized among the Consumer goods industry, It is a privately held organization that came into existences in the year 1973. Since the development of the corporation, it has served millions of consumers across the United States. For over 40 years, Masterbuilt has built pioneering and easy-to-use cookery products with the customer in mind. It all in progress "Dawson McLemore’s backyard" with our primary propane fish cooker. At the moment,Masterbuiltis well identified for the superiority of our electric smokers, grills and automotive frills. All the users across the United States of America reviewed Masterbuilt as one of the renowned and prestigious Cooking products supplier.

Services and Products of the Masterbuilt

Masterbuilt is known for A lot of quality services and amazing products supplier among the populace of USA. All the Users want Masterbuilt products instead of any other cooking products supplier. Some of the Main products and services of the Masterbuilt are:
  • Outdoor Cooking
  • Cajun Fried Turkey
  • Electric Smokers
  • Dadgum That's Good Cookbook
  • Cargo Carriers
  • Automotive Accessories and a lot more.

Other Contact Numbers and Addresses of Masterbuilt

Masterbuilt mailing Address: Attn, 1 Masterbuilt Court Columbus, GA 31907
Masterbuilt Contact numbers:
Monday to Friday 8:00 to 5:00 EST
Phone: 800.489.1581
Fax: 706.660.8022

Social Media Networking Profiles of Masterbuilt

Facebook Link Of Masterbuilt

Twitter Link Of Masterbuilt

Masterbuilt Address

The address of Masterbuilt is 1 Masterbuilt Court Columbus, GA 31907 United States.

Masterbuilt Email Address

The email address of Masterbuilt is

Masterbuilt Website

The Website of Masterbuilt is

Masterbuilt Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Masterbuilt is 1-800-489-1581 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Masterbuilt Service Center and Masterbuilt customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Masterbuilt customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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Masterbuilt Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care male
Mr. Richard Brunt CallsJun 18, 2018

I purchase a Masterbuilt smoker on June 8th modelMB20072618, serial number CX111804. I tried using it yesterday for Fathers Day and am having problems with the unit maintaining the temp that I programd into it. The issue that is happening is that I sent temp for 240 degrees and the unit climbed to 300 degrees and would not go down. I attempt this three times by unplugging the unit for ten seconds to reset controller as instructions stated and each time I turned it on set temp to 240 and timer, temp rose to 300. On final attempt the unit sound an alarm with a fault. My name is Rich, phone number is 520-360-3975, email addresss I tried calling into Masterbuilt seven times today and never got through. Please help me figure this out. The smoker is brand new and I hate to box it up to return it. Please call me I am in Arizona time zone.

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