Ms. Ronda Orchard On Phone To PNM Service
On Saturday, January 13, 2018, I received a message at my home letting me know that my meter was unable to be read due to (of all things) rainfall in the area. Considering that we have had no measureable rain in the last 90+ days, I find it unacceptable to receive a phone message stating that my next bill will have to be estimated due to the rain preventing my meter being read.
Mr. Marianne Masteller On Phone To PNM Service
Late late late. Waiting too long for an appointment that was supped to occur an hour and half ago.
Hello. I emailed you on 7/19/18 about the five trees on our property (3624 Yosemite, NE, Albuquerque, NM 87111) which have PNM wires passing thru them which need to be trimmed by PNM, plus the two PNM power poles on this same property, which look like they are in pretty bad shape (according to a PNM guy who inspected them about a year ago). I have received no response from PNM so far. I am a elder Disabled Veteran, age 73, on low income, and cannot trim these trees myself or afford to pay for someone else to trim them. Furthermore, trimming trees with power lines going thru them is inherently dangerous, and to do it right and safely requires special training that is not likely to adequately exist in commercial tree trimmers. Please respond as soon as possible. We await your response. Please email me your response to as I am a bit hard of hearing. Thanks. John Williams (emailed from PNM's allcustomercarenumbers. Net/Customer-Service-Number-PNM-022071 on 7/23/18).
Mr. Rohit Kapoor On Phone To PNM Service
I got a call from your company to whom call his name was Mr. Raj ( Might be fraud name) his number is 8467949117 he promised me that he will refund my LIC policy amount which i pay, but after verification that i come to know that this is fraud person and company tooIf you can solve this problem so revert me back.