Mr. Ashraf Elsaid Abdrabou On Phone To Prometric Service
My 3rd attempt to examine SLE Should be before 23 February2018. I do not find any date to schedule for my exam. Please help me. Elegibility number 20170066232
cellphone 00966531169313.
My scheduling permit says 2days to reschedule the exam without fees, while the agent on phone says 5days is the time; now why is there a descripency between both. The customer service supervisor is not patient enough to listen and was rude, while the agent is in experienced to talk. The email they gave me to launch the compliant is wrong, and the email bounced which is another mistake, by wasting our time. He said the email ID is thinesh. Singh@Prometric. Org
finally this web site doesnt attach my permit to prove the point.
Good day. Can i ask some copy of my Prometric exam result? I took the exam last November 27, 2017 with the confirmation number 8870000001607978. My roommate accidentally throw it and i need it badly so i can process my Saudi Council. Thanks and hoping for your reply asap.
Mr. Haytham On Phone To Prometric Service
I have a proplem i cant understand whats this message mean"Duplicate emails. Please call customer service. "my mail Haytham nasser@rocketmail.commy phone 00201119664963Egypt.
Mr. Raja Mohideen On Phone To Prometric Service
Dear sir, My name is Raja Mohideenfrom India Visakhapatnam. I search for a pro metric exam centers view in India. But best guide line not available. Kindly in all India process for main city's. Kindly response.
I am unable to log-in Prometric site. Error : Duplicate emails. Please call customer service.
Mr. dinesh On Phone To Prometric Service
I am dinesh working in infosys technologies limited in Chennai. I have scheduled wcs ibm certification on th of this month. I forgot my prometric password. While able to reset my password it is showing duplicated emailid exists. I am not able to reset my prometric password. Could you please help me to reset my password so that i can attend my certification. Regards, Dinesh.
Mr. surjit singh ranu On Phone To Prometric Service
hi, my name is surjit singh ranu and my candidate ID is sr2752083. i forget my prometric account to book online exam for this i have to call exam center. i am unable to book it online please provide me email and password of mine so that i can book it online. seconly i tried via, but this mail does not exist so i create new, but this mail provide me different candidate ID please help to get previous account so that my ID remain same for next exams.