Rubber Soul Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Rubber Soul is 02030 269854 .
Rubber Soul is the Sixth Studio Album of The Rock Group The Beatles. Rubber Soul was released on third December in 1965. Rubber Soul was produced by George Martin and in that eleven songs were made by John and Paul and others were written by Lennon-McCartney-Starkey. Rubber Soul was made only in two weeks after the last mixing. Rubber Soul is a folk rock album having a number of music styles such as R&B, pop, soul and psychedelic. As per musicians and musicologists Rubber Soul is an achievement of major artists that shows the artistic boldness of the Beatles Group. Rubber Soul is counted among the biggest hit albums in the record of music industry. Rubber Soul was at number five in 2003 on Rolling Stone magazine's and was selected one among the 100 hit albums of all time by the Time Magazine in 2006.

Composition of Rubber Soul

1.Music: The Beatles Group Expand album's music by the effect of soul music, the concurrent folk-rock of The Bob Dylan and The Byrds and and the vocal Harmony pop of The Beach Boys. Sitar for pop recording, guitar lines on "Michelle" and Greek-effected ones on "Girl", fuzz bass on "Think for Yourself," and a piano to sound as baroque harpsichord on the instrumental bridge of "In My Life" was included in the album.
2.Lyrics: Rubber Soul provides a well development in civilization, wilfulness and abstruseness.

Recording, Packaging and Artwork of Rubber Soul

Recording was completed on 12 October with mix down on 15 November. Rubber Soul was the first release of the Beatle Group in 1965 as a total new brand in the market. Rubber Soul was presented also in the compact disc on 30th April 1987 having 14-song UK track achieves the international position.

Contactable hours of Rubber Soul are as follows:
Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm.

Rubber Soul Address

The address of Rubber Soul is London, The United kingdom..

Rubber Soul Website

The Website of Rubber Soul is

Rubber Soul Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Rubber Soul is 02030 269854 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Rubber Soul Service Center and Rubber Soul customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Rubber Soul customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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