Mr. Tony Cuffaro On Phone To Snyders of Hanover Service
My Name is Tony Cuffaro Golf Pro, I Purchase two bags of your
outstanding HONEY MUSTARD every other week, last night I pick up
2 bags. For our Compny I open both place it into a large bowl. I found a small PC of rubber tube 1/4 '' long. I went back to the store BIG M WALTON N. Y. Told the Mgr To make sure he
told the Del Man What happen. Sorry to say They were sold out
Telling you not to get anything from you. Just Heads Up Thank you Tony Cuffaro 631 807 4507 E-Mail.
Ms. Elaine Elliott On Phone To Snyders of Hanover Service
Where can your Cheddar cheese pretzel pieces, be purchased in Australia?.
Ms. Cynthia Woodard On Phone To Snyders of Hanover Service
I love your Gluten Free pretzels, but they are too salty. Besides having Celiac's Disease I an also hypertensive. Could you please make some salt free ones or at least lightly salted. They are so good that it is my favorite snack, but too salty that doctor said no more pretzels. It is difficult finding Gluten Free products and low sodium. Thanks for listening.
Mr. Dave Mccuskey On Phone To Snyders of Hanover Service
We love your Snyders Sourdough hard pretzels, however by the time they get to Colorado the are only four or five whole pretzels in a box, most are just small pieces. A few weeks ago we had a get-together and had to buy five boxes to get a bowl of whole pretzels. Could you ask the handlers to be more careful. Sincerely, Dave Mccuskey .
Mr. Glen Andersen On Phone To Snyders of Hanover Service
Hello, I am a regular purchaser of your chedder cheese pretzel pieces, they are my favorite work snack. today i got a pretty gross and surprising thing in my bag, not sure what it is exactly. i have included pictures of the offending cheese-nugget. glen andersen 7021 w plainfield ave greenfield, wi 53220.
Ms. Linnea Kruse On Phone To Snyders of Hanover Service
This family has long been a fan of the mini-pretzels. However, the last few bags (including the latest - Bonus Bag) is lacking SALT. Formerly, the encrusted salt was a predominant reason for eating Snyder pretzels. Some customers might be happy with less salt. If we do not find the next purchase laden with salt, we will haveto shop for another brand.
Ms. Jessica Smith On Phone To Snyders of Hanover Service
My name is Jessica Smith , I purchased fice bags of hot cheese okedoke popcorn from Murphy's gas station in Murfreesboro, TN. They is not due to expire until September 12, 2015, but all of them was stale. This is not my first time getting some stale popcorn from them so I wanted to reach out to you all because I'm very unleased and thought you should know about the products.
Ms. Susan Kaplan On Phone To Snyders of Hanover Service
First I would like to note that we love the Sourdough Pretzels, however we likewhole pretzels, which for the last three times that I have purchased your pretzels, they are only broken bits. I have purchased them in three different places thinkingthat perhaps it is the way they are handled, but I think it must be in the shipping. Can't you fix this problem?.
Mr. Barry D. Bronner On Phone To Snyders of Hanover Service
I purchased a 12 oz. Bag of Honey Mustard and Onion from Wal Mart dated Jun27, 2015 ZZ0218009b 21:33. I first want to say these are the best pretel, I love this flavor. However my complaint is that I literally had a bag of crumbs, the pieces were 1/4 inch and less. I buy these all the time so I understand they are in pieces, but I have never experience a bag full of crumbs and it made the product difficult to enjoy. I will continue to buy this product, but I thought you should beware of the condition of my bag of pretzels. Thank you.