I swiped my Sodexo card ending with 5647 at SANGEETHA VEG RESTUARANT vandalur. The Marchant showed that the swiping machine was not working after swiped my card. He attempted eight times and it was not working. I paid my cash and left the place. After while I received SMS from Sodexo eight times and deducted my bill amount(162x8) eight times from my Sodexo balance. The Marchant asking to contact the Sodexo department. Herewith I am attaching the report from the restuarant that there is know swiping history from my Sodexo card. I am writing the transaction code from the zeta app statement. Txn code:
628990, 009506, 937336, 792788, 372146, 209105, 105461, 684732. Please help me to reverse my amount deducted. Thanks and regards,
Edward. Mob:9840580432.
Mr. Vijay Kumar Jain On Phone To Sodexo Service
I HAVE SOME SUDEXO EXCLUSIVE PASS. UNABLE TO REDEME THE SAME. Kindly confirm where these passes can be redeme. At present I am at Ahmedabad (Gujrat) India.