Telefonica UK Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Telefonica UK is 3491 4823800 .
Founded in 1919 Telefonica is a largest Telecommunication and Broadband services providing company headquarters in Spain. The brand is providing his business services in Europe, Asia, North America and South America. The company basically deals with products like fixed line and Mobile telephony, Internet services and digital television in the country. According to the calculation of 2012 the approximately number of employees of the brand is 272,598. César Alierta is the present CEO and the Chairman of the company. The main objective of the Telefonica UK is to spread the business to entire world with the best costumer services , maintain the good relationship between the client and the company. The brand is also focusing on the subsidiaries like Telefónica España, Telefónica Germany and Telefónica Hispanoamérica.

Telefonica UK Corporate Office Address:

Distrito Telefónica, Edificio Central - 2 A planta, Ronda de la Comunicación s/n, 28050 Madrid, Spain.
This is the corporate office address of Telefonica UK, for more information related to Telefonica UK you can visit the official address.

Customer Service Number of Telefonica UK:

3491 4823800
The above number is given is the customer service number of Telefonica UK. You can call to above given number for general inquiries.

Mailing Address of Telefonica UK:
This is the mailing address of Telefonica UK, you can take the assistance of the customer service team of Telefonica UK by sending a mail.

Official Webpage of Telefonica UK:
The above given is the official web page of Telefonica UK, for more information you can visit the official webpage.

Telefonica UK Address

The address of Telefonica UK is Distrito Telefónica, Edificio Central - 2 A planta, Ronda de la Comunicación s/n, 28050 Madrid, Spain..

Telefonica UK Email Address

The email address of Telefonica UK is

Telefonica UK Website

The Website of Telefonica UK is

Telefonica UK Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Telefonica UK is 3491 4823800 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Telefonica UK Service Center and Telefonica UK customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Telefonica UK customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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Telefonica UK Phone Number Customer Service

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Telefonica UK Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care male
Mr. Howard Stone CallsDec 01, 2019

Mr. Howard Stone On Phone To Telefonica UK Service
At 00:30 on 29 November, my wife reported her phone lost or stolen. It was barred. At 09:30 the same day, having been located safe. She called to report this and ask the bar be removed. She was told it would take up to 24 hours. As of 07:48 today it has not. On Saturday 30/11 she called at around 08:30 and was told a step had not been activated, but the unbarring would be done shortly. At 15:00 I called as the phone was still barred. Yesterday, at around 11:00 I spoke to a "Manager" Annie, who told me she would ensure the bar was removed. At about 13:30, I received a call from a Guru, who asked we attend an O2 shop to confirm all was well. We attended at Brent Cross. Varrious checkes were made including verifying the SIM card. We were told the bar would be removed over night. It has not. The phone number in question begins 07836 and ends 117. I can be contacted on 07768 667043. On my wife's behalf, I require steps to be taken today to resolve this total breakdown on your part/.

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