Mr. Joe Mraw On Phone To Trenton Times Service
I have been dealing with consistently late motor carrier delivery for what seems like forever. Subscriber for 20 - 30 years and the paper is never consistently delivered by the target times given by customer service. I call once or twice a week to report late delivery, but issue is never totally resolved. Service may improve temporarily after calling, but then goes back to inconsistency. I imagine that my address is at the end of the route to give me late or last delivery. You can check customer service call logs to see how many times I report a late or missed delivery. It would be great to receive and read my paper prior to leaving for work at 645am weekdays versus the paper sitting out in the elements all day long. Weekend delivery is usually always after 8am, Weekday usually after 7am.
I did not receive my Trenton Times Paper today Instead, I was delivered the Trentonian. I called and asked for my paper to be redelivered, but never received anything. Please credit my account and make sure I do not receive the awful Trentonian paper again instead of my Trenton Times. Mr. Glover.
Mr. Don Zanoni On Phone To Trenton Times Service
I've been having problems with not receiving the paper for several months now. This week I didn't receive Tuesday's paper only to have Tuesday's and Wednesday's delivered together. Saturday did not receive the paper. Called your automated system to report it at a little after 9:00Am. Was told paper would be delivered. It never came. Sunday called 8:20 Am to report no paper. Called and talked to a representative and was promised paper would be delivered. It now 10:00AM still no paper with inserts. When my automated payment is completed please cancel delivery. Don Zanoni 902 Red Feather Trl Browns Mills NJ. 609-8933435.