American School of Kuwait Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of American School of Kuwait is +965 2266 4341 .
The American School of Kuwait was founded in 1961 and established in 1964. It is graded as a K-12 private institution in Kuwait. It is co-educational. It also consists of a pre-school that is known as Child Development Center. It is recognized by the Kuwait Ministry of Education and is associated with the State Department of United States. It is accredited by the Middle States Association of College.
More than 150 teachers are available here. It consists of two semester systems from September to December and from January to June. The students who Aspire to study in America for perusing higher education usually join this school. The school is divided into elementary, middle school and high school. After completing grade V, a student is promoted to middle school. After passing Grade VII examination, he is promoted to high school.

American School of Kuwait Address

The address of American School of Kuwait is Hawalli Kuwait City, Kuwait.

American School of Kuwait Email Address

The email address of American School of Kuwait is

American School of Kuwait Website

The Website of American School of Kuwait is

American School of Kuwait Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of American School of Kuwait is +965 2266 4341 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of American School of Kuwait Service Center and American School of Kuwait customer phone number is given below. The helpline of American School of Kuwait customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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