University of Lethbridge Contact, Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of University of Lethbridge Contact, is (403) 329-2111 .
Lethbridge University is one of the public leading institutions on research and education which is located in Lethbridge, Alberta Canada. The university is also known as U and L or Uleth. Established in 1967 as liberal arts organization, the university offers a Broad range of study programs which consist of graduate and undergraduate streams. The first undergraduate degree for fine arts was awarded by the Lethbridge University in 1968. In 1971 the ceremonial opening and constructive design of university hall took place which resulted in an acclaimed international recognition for Lethbridge University. Calgary and Edmonton are the other two opened campuses in the university.
The university is facilitated with five hundred faculty members to teach about 8500 students in management, health science, journalism, law, medicine, dentistry, optometry, humanities, fine arts, sciences, social science, nursing and education which are spread in to professional degrees of levels such as Bachelor, Master’s and Doctoral levels. The government of Alberta legalized the PhD degree program in to five distinctive areas such as bio-systems and bio diversity, earth, space and physical science, bio-molecular science, evolution, behavior, theoretical and computational science. Behavioral neuro science is one of the most unique and principal studies that university offers to students for the interesting and excitement beginning in the Carrier growth.
Lethbridge University offers a research facility programs that are internationally accepted and shared a mutual partnership with Federal agricultural centers. It is a Haven for opportunities for prospective research scientists on varying fields such as analysis of science, art and Spirit of creative thought, productive remark, community membership and world class teaching facility. Lethbridge University was entitled as a ‘Research University of the year’ in 2012 for undergraduates. As of 2013 University of Lethbridge is holding third rank in Canada for lower level division. One of the prominent and amazing achievements for the university is the Art Gallery which comprises over 13,000 collections of work by both amateur and experienced professional artists in fields such as installation art, painting, photography, drawing, sculpture, watercolors etc. The gallery exhibits a selected collection of art and innovative science projects. There are number of portals for online art registration independently for each category.
Lethbridge University has been successful in creating high quality professionals as well as providing insightful and innovative teaching methodologies for students who strive to create difference to the world.

University of Lethbridge Contact, Address

The address of University of Lethbridge Contact, is 4401, University Drive, Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 3M4.

University of Lethbridge Contact, Website

The Website of University of Lethbridge Contact, is

University of Lethbridge Contact, Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of University of Lethbridge Contact, is (403) 329-2111 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of University of Lethbridge Contact, Service Center and University of Lethbridge Contact, customer phone number is given below. The helpline of University of Lethbridge Contact, customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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