Army Institute of Technology Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Army Institute of Technology is (020)27157534 .
Army Institute of Technology (AIT) is the leading engineering college situated at Dighi Hills, Pune, Maharashtra, India. It commenced its activities in August 1994 as a result of the vision. The institutes is affiliated to the University of Pune. Army Institute of Technology provides undergraduate courses regarding Information Technology and Mechanical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering. The courses are approved and recognized by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) and the All India Council For Technical Education (AICTE). The institute offers its courses through eight semesters. The institute complex has a wide range of facilities like an auditorium, laboratories, administrative offices and the lecture halls. The institute has provided various sports facilities such as a tennis court, a croquet lawn, a badminton court, a cricket area, a football field etc. The Army Institute of Technology offers extracurricular activities regarding Music Club, Sports Club, Debate Club, Student Council and Open Source Activities Center. The library of the institute has collection of 43 national periodicals, 14 international journals, 5154 titles and 16927 volumes. The address and contact number of Army Institute of Technology is also used for Army Institute of Technology ranking, Army Institute of Technology online application form, Army Institute of Technology cut off, Army Institute of Technology Mtech and Army Institute of Technology Pune placements
Fax Number: 91-20-27157534

Army Institute of Technology Address

The address of Army Institute of Technology is Dighi Hills, Pune-411015, Maharashtra, India.

Army Institute of Technology Email Address

The email address of Army Institute of Technology is

Army Institute of Technology Website

The Website of Army Institute of Technology is

Army Institute of Technology Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Army Institute of Technology is (020)27157534 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Army Institute of Technology Service Center and Army Institute of Technology customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Army Institute of Technology customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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