Chief Secretary Madhya Pradesh Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Chief Secretary Madhya Pradesh is +91 755 2441848, +91 755 2441370 .
Chief Secretary of any Indian state is a civil employee who was first appointed in India during 18th century. Since that Chief Secretaries of all Indian states are appointed on merit basis including Madhya Pradesh. The position of State Chief Secretary is appointed from selected Indian Administrative Service cadre. The Chief Secretary enjoys a specific time and is the Head of the Cabinet and performs certain duties and operations. These include all official and parliamentary functions, approval incentives, all emergency and medical help to natives and outside the state also, plans policy, discuss of internal matters with higher officials, also Act as a head of some of the departments and very important it also adjust all state government operations. The fax number of office of Chief Secretary is +91 755 2441521. The address and contact number of Chief Secretary Madhya Pradesh is also used for office of Chief Secretary Madhya Pradesh and Chief Secretary Madhya Pradesh Govt.

Chief Secretary Madhya Pradesh Address

The address of Chief Secretary Madhya Pradesh is Vallabh Bhavan, Bhopal-462003, Madhya Pradesh, India.

Chief Secretary Madhya Pradesh Email Address

The email address of Chief Secretary Madhya Pradesh is

Chief Secretary Madhya Pradesh Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Chief Secretary Madhya Pradesh is +91 755 2441848, +91 755 2441370 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Chief Secretary Madhya Pradesh Service Center and Chief Secretary Madhya Pradesh customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Chief Secretary Madhya Pradesh customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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