Booking com Argentina Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Booking com Argentina is 54 11 5296 5600, 0800 444 1795, +44 20 3320 2609 . is a popular online reservation website. It allows customers to search for hotels and accommodations to making reservations. The company has offices in several parts of Asia and Europe, including Bangkok, Hong Kong, Cape Town, Dubai, Kuala Lumpur, Paris, Rome, Singapore, Tokyo and Munich. It deals in Booking of around 165000 hotels in 110 countries. It operates from its headquarter in Amsterdam and with over 2200 employees.

More About Argentina Argentina provide Home and Apartments in popular destinations of world. To book any of the Hotel in any corner of world is easy with Argentina, as it has association with renowned travel agencies of world. Argentina has a well designed website that allows customers to look the place and packages of various tourist destinations. All a customer has to do is enter the place they want to travel and all the details about hotels, cabs, restaurants and airlines displayed automatically.

Locations And Contacts Of

All details about contacts and locations of Argentina are shown below in the table:
CountryLocal NumberInternational Number
United Arab Emirates8000 444 1492+44 20 3320 2609
Argentina0800 444 1795+44 20 3320 2609
Australia02 8228 1535+44 20 3320 2609
Belgium027 00 67 00+44 20 3320 2609
Bulgaria00800 119 4467+44 20 3320 2609
Canada1 (866) 492 3245+44 20 3320 2609
Switzerland0445 111 601+44 20 3320 2609
India0008 000 016 075+44 20 3320 2609
Qatar00800 100085+44 20 3320 2609
Russia8800 100 6282/td>+44 20 3320 2609
United States of America1(888) 850 3958+44 20 3320 2609

Booking com Argentina Address

The address of Booking com Argentina is 3th floor, C1106ABL, Capital Federal Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Booking com Argentina Email Address

The email address of Booking com Argentina is

Booking com Argentina Website

The Website of Booking com Argentina is

Booking com Argentina Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Booking com Argentina is 54 11 5296 5600, 0800 444 1795, +44 20 3320 2609 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Booking com Argentina Service Center and Booking com Argentina customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Booking com Argentina customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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