Booking com New Zealand Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Booking com New Zealand is 0800 451 596 .
The company has established its branch office in New Zealand. It was established in the year 1996 and having its headquarter in Amsterdam. It is a leading online Hotel reservations company worldwide. The website was established in order to provide more convenience to people. is now owned and managed by Priceline. The company has several offices like Bangkok, Hong Kong, Cape Town, Dubai, Kuala Lumpur, Paris etc. New Zealand is embarking activities to promote customers to book reservation in global hotels. is an online platform, enabling customers to book hotel reservation in a convenient manner. New Zealand is comprises activities to explore anticipation of customers by promoting to book hotels at global scale. The enterprise is affiliated with global predominant hotels, offers conclusive discounted deals to book vocation homes for particular period. While traveling to global destinations, the enterprise is recommending hassle free path to book hotel reservations before arriving to end destination.

Contacting of New Zealand

Customers from global routes are entitled to make direct connection with care support of, capable to guide customers to get comprehensive privileges of vital amenities. While facing any complexities regarding booking or other services, the enterprise provides precise support through the following given numbers:
For Residents of New Zealand:
  • Customer Care Number: Call 0800 451 596
  • International Number(English): Call +44 20 3320 2609
  • For further contacts: visit New Zealand Services and Specifications New Zealand is devoted to convert trips and vocations monumental and recommends a specific way to evaluate the ingredients of travel in a quick time frame. New Zealand is spreading its wings at global level and provides intellectual assistance to book premier hotels via: However, the customers can find latest deals at to convert trip overwhelming, while traveling through a classified deal, the customers are required to save more than expected.
In addition to this, the customers can manage respective booking online and permitted to advertise or add any property location to get huge response of customers. via:

Booking com New Zealand Address

The address of Booking com New Zealand is SAP Tower, Level 10, , 151 Queen Street Auckland 1010, New Zealand.

Booking com New Zealand Website

The Website of Booking com New Zealand is

Booking com New Zealand Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Booking com New Zealand is 0800 451 596 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Booking com New Zealand Service Center and Booking com New Zealand customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Booking com New Zealand customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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