Chinese Consulate in Kolkata Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Chinese Consulate in Kolkata is 033-40045200, Fax No: 033-40048168 .
Chinese Consulate in Kolkata is a branch of the People’s Republic of China, China Embassy. The branch has been opened in Kolkata to provide information about China region. The China Embassy helps to maintain relationship between both nations, China and India. The embassy helps those people, who want to go to China for personal works, jobs, travels, business and some other works. The embassy has well trained consultant executives, who provide information about visas and Passport documentations. For any kind of Visa and Attestation related inquiries, the Indian people can call at 033-40045208, 40045203. is an alternate email id of the Chinese Consulate of Kolkata.

Chinese Consulate in Kolkata Address

The address of Chinese Consulate in Kolkata is EC-72, Sector 1, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064, 4th Avenue, EC Block, Salt Lake City, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.

Chinese Consulate in Kolkata Email Address

The email address of Chinese Consulate in Kolkata is

Chinese Consulate in Kolkata Website

The Website of Chinese Consulate in Kolkata is

Chinese Consulate in Kolkata Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Chinese Consulate in Kolkata is 033-40045200, Fax No: 033-40048168 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Chinese Consulate in Kolkata Service Center and Chinese Consulate in Kolkata customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Chinese Consulate in Kolkata customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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