Shankar Charan Tripathi Astrologer Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Shankar Charan Tripathi Astrologer is 8604809663 .
Mr. Pandit Shanker Charan Tripathi is known as a famous Astrologer in Lucknow, probably across the India. He is a well known for his predictions to people in their works. He offers various astrology services such as Vaastu consultancy, matchmaking, palmistry, numerology etc. Besides astrologer, he also works as a Trade Tax Officer at Allahabad. He was born on December 3rd, 1956 in Sikri Village, Rajapur, Chitrakoot. He is a son of his well reputed father, Shri Rameshwar Prasad Tripathi and mother, Smt. Shiv Pati Tripathi. Shanker Ji had completed his intermediate from Sri Tulsi Intermediate College, Rajpur, Banda. After that, he continued his study, and completed his B.A. He has also studied in M.A on English Literature and in Sociology. He had also done LL.B study from Allahabad University. For almost 15 years, he worked as non-commissioned officer in Indian Air Force. Along with that, he had also selected as Asst. Jailor in Central Jail, Jabalpur.

Shankar Charan Tripathi Astrologer Address

The address of Shankar Charan Tripathi Astrologer is Bharatiya Jotisha Center, G-254, Sahara Trade Centre, Faizabad Road, Indira Nagar, Lucknow - 226016, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Shankar Charan Tripathi Astrologer Email Address

The email address of Shankar Charan Tripathi Astrologer is

Shankar Charan Tripathi Astrologer Website

The Website of Shankar Charan Tripathi Astrologer is

Shankar Charan Tripathi Astrologer Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Shankar Charan Tripathi Astrologer is 8604809663 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Shankar Charan Tripathi Astrologer Service Center and Shankar Charan Tripathi Astrologer customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Shankar Charan Tripathi Astrologer customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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