Logitech Orissa Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Logitech Orissa is 0674-3279694 .
Logitech is a Switzerland based manufacturing company of Computer related devices, which was founded as the joint venture of Daniel Borel and Pierluigi Zappacosta in the year 1981. Firstly, the company was introduced in Apples, Switzerland with the production of mice. After focusing on the production of mice, Logitech also started the productions of mouse with own brand name. In additions, the company also known as a manufacturer of some other computer peripherals like keyboards, microphones, trackballs, webcams, joysticks, game controllers, home speakers, computer speakers, headphones, wireless and audio devices for MP3 players and mobile phones. Logitech distributes its products in more than 100 countries worldwide with the help of the retail stores. Logitech's main office is located in Morges, Switzerland, and its branches are located in California, China, Taiwan, Japan and India. Ingram Micro India Ltd is an authorized service center of Logitech based in Bhubaneshwar, Orissa to provide superior repairs and services for all Logitech's computer peripherals.

Logitech Orissa Address

The address of Logitech Orissa is Plot No. S2/40, Sector-A, Zone Mancheswar, Industrial Area, Bhubaneshwar-751010, Orissa, India.

Logitech Orissa Website

The Website of Logitech Orissa is www.logitech.com.

Logitech Orissa Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Logitech Orissa is 0674-3279694 (Click phone number to call).

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