Hancock Richmond Va Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Hancock Richmond Va is 804-323-0034 .
The Hoover Company is most famous manufacturing company of floor care products including vacuum cleaners, deep cleaners, hard-floor cleaners, stick vacs as well as laundry products. The company was founded on June 2, 1908 by W. H. "Boss" Hoover having headquarters in Glenwillow, Ohio. Its first product vacuum was invented in 1908 by James Murray Spangler, and within first year, the company had sold approximately 400 machines. In 1912, Hoover was began its business in Britain and Europe. The America based Hoover Company was the division of Whirlpool Corporation until 2006, and after that, the company was came under the Techtronic Industries, and it was purchased by Techtronic with the capital of $107 million. In 1993, Hoover UK/Europe was moved from USA based company after purchasing by Candy. Richmond Vac System is a service center of Hoover that provides repairs and services for floor cleaning products.

Hancock Richmond Va Address

The address of Hancock Richmond Va is 6784, Forest Hill Ave., Richmond, VA 23225, USA.

Hancock Richmond Va Website

The Website of Hancock Richmond Va is www.hoover.com.

Hancock Richmond Va Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Hancock Richmond Va is 804-323-0034 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Hancock Richmond Va Service Center and Hancock Richmond Va customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Hancock Richmond Va customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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