Makita Burnaby Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Makita Burnaby is +1-877-295-1511 Fax No- +1-604-291-1599 .
Makita is a Japanese company which is engaged in electric power tools production. The company operates 48 subsidiaries in the world and its factories are located in Japan, United States, Romania, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, United Kingdom and China. The company was formed on March 21, 1915 and it was incorporated on December 10, 1938. Makita head office is located in Sumiyoshi-cho, Anjo, Aichi, Japan. The company offers a wide range of consumer power tools along with related accessories including Cordless Tool, Electrical Tool, Pneumatic Tool, Outdoor Power Equipment, Multi Tool, Wood Working, Dust Extraction, Laser Distance Measurers, Saws, Concrete & Masonry, Heat Gun, Jobsite & Safety Gear, Grinders & Metalworking, Flashlights & Flourescent Lights, Drills & Fastening Accessories etc. Makita has an authorized service center located in Holdom Avenue, Burnaby, BC, Canada.

Makita Burnaby Address

The address of Makita Burnaby is 2288 Holdom Avenue, Burnaby, BC, Canada..

Makita Burnaby Website

The Website of Makita Burnaby is

Makita Burnaby Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Makita Burnaby is +1-877-295-1511 Fax No- +1-604-291-1599 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Makita Burnaby Service Center and Makita Burnaby customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Makita Burnaby customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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