Inorbit Mall Bangalore Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Inorbit Mall Bangalore is (080) 67281100, 67280028 .
Inorbit is the chain of the shopping malls, having five malls across the country. The shopping mall located at Whitefield presents the outstanding walk through experience to the visitors. Started on 15th August 2012, Inorbit Bangalore occupied the space of 4, 21,000 sq. ft and is committed to provide new shopping experience in the state. Inorbit is famous for the brands which are available in the mall. Both the national as well international products are available here; some of them are GILI, Hush Puppies, Nike, McDonalds & Copper Chimney, etc. The Mall is designed by RSP design consultants private limited Company. Inorbit Malls have won thirty seven awards since the opening of the first mall in 2004. The shopping Malls are operated by K. Raheja Corporation, which also operates other Shopping Malls across the country.

Inorbit Mall Bangalore Address

The address of Inorbit Mall Bangalore is Plot No 75, 8th Road, EPIP Zone, Whitefield Bangalore, Karnataka 560066 India.

Inorbit Mall Bangalore Website

The Website of Inorbit Mall Bangalore is

Inorbit Mall Bangalore Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Inorbit Mall Bangalore is (080) 67281100, 67280028 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Inorbit Mall Bangalore Service Center and Inorbit Mall Bangalore customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Inorbit Mall Bangalore customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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