Institute of Actuaries of India Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Institute of Actuaries of India is +91-22-67843333 .
Institute of Actuaries of India is an institute which was established in year 1944. The institute offers education in only actuaries. The charitable trust named Public Charitable Trust Act 1950 under which the institute was formed. The institute provides relevant knowledge in the field of actuaries and prepares professional for the future. The placement history of institute is also very impressive and professional able to notch highest package in different corporate sectors. Besides this the institute also performs certain functions such as to keep the competency, to serve the public code of conduct and others. The institute is only responsible in enhancement of different opportunity such as research, conduct lectures and advancement in Actuarial profession. The fax number of institute is +91-22–67843330. The address and contact number of title is also used for Institute of Actuaries of India eligibility, Institute of Actuaries of India Delhi, Institute of Actuaries of India Chennai, Institute of Actuaries of India syllabus, Institute of Actuaries of India Hyderabad and Institute of Actuaries of India (iai).

Institute of Actuaries of India Address

The address of Institute of Actuaries of India is 302, Indian Globe Chambers, 142, Fort Street, Off D N Road, Mumbai - 400 001, Maharahstra, India.

Institute of Actuaries of India Website

The Website of Institute of Actuaries of India is

Institute of Actuaries of India Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Institute of Actuaries of India is +91-22-67843333 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Institute of Actuaries of India Service Center and Institute of Actuaries of India customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Institute of Actuaries of India customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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