Windsor Hall Purdue Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Windsor Hall Purdue is (765) 494-2612 .
Windsor Halls at Purdue University is the women’s residence that comprises of five individual buildings. They are Duhme hall (1934) or South Hall, Shealy (1937) popularly known as North Hall, Wood (1939), Warren Hall (1951)also known as D Hall and Vawter Hall (1951)called as E Hall. Students at Purdue University can access the tunnels that connect easily to the halls.
Air-conditioned rooms are available in Duhme and Wood Halls.The rooms are designed in such a way that all the rooms in 5 individual building get sunshine at any time of day. The Duhme, Shealy, Warren and Vawter are lined up in a row. If you open the lobby doors of these 4 halls you could draw a horizontal line.
The amenities include study and recreation rooms, exercise rooms,pool table, ping-pong table, kitchenette. Other facilities include Lounges, living rooms , Reading rooms,tools and fax machine at main office, vending and ice machines, wide screen TVs, mail room, laundry rooms and pianos for those interested in playing the musical instrument.
The emblem of the Windsor Hall look like a shield that denotes protection. Top of the crest you could see a woman. The halls symbolize friendship; a torch denotes education; an owl stands for wisdom; a Diamond for joy; at the bottom of the badge you could see three faces of women representing the scholar, the social woman and the ideal woman. The Slogan of Windsor Hall of Purdue University proclaims the message “Together we live, together we learn!
Amelia Earhart Putnam who made remarkable achievements in aviation industry,Mrs Lillian Gilbreth from the Engineering and Industrial Management, Janice Voss Ford the astronaut are a few famous residents who stayed here.The Windsor Hall still continues to be a home for many students of Purdue University at Windsor.

Windsor Hall Purdue Address

The address of Windsor Hall Purdue is 205, North Russell Street, West Lafayette, IN 47906-4238.

Windsor Hall Purdue Email Address

The email address of Windsor Hall Purdue is

Windsor Hall Purdue Website

The Website of Windsor Hall Purdue is

Windsor Hall Purdue Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Windsor Hall Purdue is (765) 494-2612 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Windsor Hall Purdue Service Center and Windsor Hall Purdue customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Windsor Hall Purdue customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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