Kandla Port Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Kandla Port is 91 (2836) 238055, Fax : 91 (2836) 239055 .
Kandla or Kandla Port is a haven in Kutch region of Gujarat in western india, located near Gandhidham. It is recognized as one of the chief ports on west coast. It was built in 1950, started serving western india after the partition of india and Pakistan. In a research it has been found that Kandla port is india’s largest hub which deals in selling grains and importing oil to throughout the world. Even, it is also known as the highest earning port in the country. Some of the importing elements are petroleum, chemicals , Iron and steel for machinery. In addition to this, it also deals with salt, Textile and grains.

Kandla Port Address

The address of Kandla Port is P.O. Box 50, Administrative Building, Gandhidham, Kutch, Gujarat India - 370201.

Kandla Port Email Address

The email address of Kandla Port is bdc@kandlaport.com.

Kandla Port Website

The Website of Kandla Port is www.kandlaport.gov.in.

Kandla Port Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Kandla Port is 91 (2836) 238055, Fax : 91 (2836) 239055 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Kandla Port Service Center and Kandla Port customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Kandla Port customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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