Lakewood High School California Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Lakewood High School California is +1 562-425-1281 .
Lakewood High School, a secondary school is the division of Long Beach Unified School District. The school was started in 1957 and is a twin of Millikan High School. The school provides learning to 9th to the 12th grades students. It enrolls more than 4500 students every year. Lakewood High School organizes various programs such as Advanced Technology Magnet, the Arts Program, the Odyssey Academy and many others. The school has won various state level championships in baseball and volleyball. The address and contact number of Lakewood High School California is also used for Lakewood High School California Baseball, Lakewood High School California Rating, Lakewood High School California Shane Dawson and Lakewood High School California Yearbooks.

Lakewood High School California Address

The address of Lakewood High School California is 4400 Briercrest Avenue, Lakewood, California, 90713 United States.

Lakewood High School California Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Lakewood High School California is +1 562-425-1281 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Lakewood High School California Service Center and Lakewood High School California customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Lakewood High School California customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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