Keukenhof Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Keukenhof is +31 (0)252 465 555 .
Keukenhof (Kitchen garden) is the biggest flower garden. It is also famous as Garden of Europe. The garden has occupied 32 hectares area and is planted around 7,000,000 flowers every year. Keukenhof is easily accessible by both train and bus. The region, in which it is located, is also known as 'Dune and Bulb Region'. The garden is opened for public from March to May every year. It was established by 1949 by the Mayor of city. Grounds of Castle Keukenhof are used for various festivals such as Castlefest, Christmas Fair, etc.

Fax No: +31 (0)252 465 565
The address and contact number of Keukenhof is also used for Keukenhof Gardens Map, Keukenhof Castle and Keukenhof Map.

Keukenhof Address

The address of Keukenhof is Stationsweg 166A, 2161 AM Lisse, The Netherlands.

Keukenhof Email Address

The email address of Keukenhof is,,

Keukenhof Website

The Website of Keukenhof is

Keukenhof Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Keukenhof is +31 (0)252 465 555 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Keukenhof Service Center and Keukenhof customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Keukenhof customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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