Luxembourg Gardens Paris Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Luxembourg Gardens Paris is +33 1 42 34 23 62 .
Luxembourg Gardens in Paris is also known as the Jardin Du Luxembourg has been inspired by the Boboli Gardens in Florence. Luxembourg Gardens was created by Queen Marie de Medicis in 1912. The Gardens is located next to the Petit- Luxembourg Palace. The Gardens is spread across 25 hectares of land and is the second largest public park in Paris. The Gardens was reconstructed by Gabriel Davioud, the Director of Parks and Promenades of Paris and split the gardens into two- the French and the English gardens. It has Pear & Apple Tree orchard, Rose Garden, Puppet Theatre, Monuments and Sculptures in it.

Luxembourg Gardens Paris Address

The address of Luxembourg Gardens Paris is 6E Arrondissement, 75006 Paris, France.

Luxembourg Gardens Paris Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Luxembourg Gardens Paris is +33 1 42 34 23 62 (Click phone number to call).

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